汪苏泷 - 唯你懂我心 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский 汪苏泷 - 唯你懂我心

Only you understand my heart
陽光緩緩瀰漫整個午後 仰起頭陪你看暖暖晴空
The sun slowly permeates the afternoon; I look up and watch the warm, clear sky with you.
聽我唱歌你可以放輕鬆 把眼睛閉著心裡就會懂
Listen to me sing, you can relax and close your eyes to understand your heart.
時光搖曳著甜蜜的鏡頭 對你的愛又怎麼來形容
Time sways with a sweet lens; how can I describe my love for you?
再美的夢比不過你回眸 你每個笑容
Even the most beautiful dream cannot compare to your smile; your every smile.
怎麼說 怎麼做 怎麼我 一臉的通紅
What to say, what to do, how I—my face is red.
看見你了 我話都不知從何說
When I see you, I don't know what to say.
低著頭 背著手 陪著你 一直走
I bow my head and put my hands behind my back, accompanying you all the way.
Warming time and space.
怎麼說 怎麼做 怎麼讓 我變不沉默
What to say, what to do, how do I—stop being silent?
拿著塔羅 算一算緣分的結果
Holding a tarot card, calculating the outcome of our fate.
看著我 就是我 陪著你 一直走
Looking at me, it is me, accompanying you all the way.
The happiness of the universe.
我在你身後 偷偷牽你手
I'm behind you, secretly holding your hand.
你不准害羞 跟著我快樂夢遊
Don't be shy; follow me and dream happily.
輕輕摸你頭 去公園走走
Gently stroking your hair, we walk in the park.
把頭靠在我胸口 聆聽著心動
Rest your head on my chest and listen to your heart beat.
你每個小小的心願 我都想要去兌現
I want to fulfill your every little wish.
不管夢有多麼遠 把心願種我心田
No matter how far your dream is, plant your wish in my heart.
我每個小小的誓言 說過的話不會變
I will keep my every little promise and won't change my words.
不管路有多艱險 我會保護你一切
No matter how difficult the road is, I will protect you and everything.
我開始騎單車 哼唱你愛的歌
I start riding a bicycle, humming the song you love.
我說我會喜歡 你所有的習慣
I said I will like all your habits.
卡布奇諾與奶茶的溫熱 是你的獨特
Cappuccino and warm milk tea are unique to you.
在電影院看著 劇情很感人的
Watching a movie at the cinema, the plot is very touching.
結局時你哭了 我悄悄心疼著
You cried at the end, and I secretly ached.
安慰著你告訴你 電影演的都是騙人的
Comforting you and telling you movies are all lies.
你慢慢會習慣 給我一些溫暖
You will gradually get used to giving me some warmth.
我想和你作伴 牽手散步沙灘
I want to be your companion, holding hands and walking on the beach.
看著夕陽要落山 映紅了海岸
Watching the sunset, the coastline turns red.
親愛的沒有 什麼會不朽 但我愛很久
My dear, there is nothing eternal, but I love you for a long time.
你美麗眼眸 沒人能猜透 送你的木偶
Your beautiful eyes, no one can guess the wooden doll I gave you.
It accompanies me as I mature.
別想太多 我要的並不多 每時每分每秒拜託
Don't think too much; I don't ask for much every minute and second, please.
有沒有人的感覺像我 那麼的沉默 帶一點點的笨拙
Does anyone feel like me, so silent, with a little bit of clumsiness?
就像你的失落 從來不曾給我看過
Just like your sadness, you have never shown it to me.
沒想太多 時間像我訴說 春夏秋冬四個時刻
I didn't think much; time tells me spring, summer, autumn, and winter—the four seasons.
沒有人像你一樣愛我 你害羞沉默 帶一點點的羞澀
No one loves me like you, shy, silent, with a little bit of embarrassment.
就像我的難過 從來瞞你不過
Just like my sadness, I have never hidden it from you.
我在你身後 偷偷牽你手
I'm behind you, secretly holding your hand.
你不准害羞 跟著我快樂夢遊
Don't be shy; follow me and dream happily.
輕輕摸你頭 去公園走走
Gently stroking your hair, we walk in the park.
把頭靠在我胸口 聆聽著心動
Rest your head on my chest and listen to your heart beat.
你每個小小的心願 我都想要去兌現
I want to fulfill your every little wish.
不管夢有多麼遠 把心願種我心田
No matter how far your dream is, plant your wish in my heart.
我每個小小的誓言 說過的話不會變
I will keep my every little promise and won't change my words.
不管路有多艱險 我會保護你一切
No matter how difficult the road is, I will protect you and everything.
你每個小小的心願 我都記在心裡面
I remember your every little wish in my heart.
時刻給你的體貼 時光烙印了瞬間
Always giving you care, time marks the moment.
給你的小小的愛戀 像罐頭瀰漫的甜
My little love for you is like the sweetness of canned food.
不管永遠有多遠 我會保護你一切
No matter how far the day is, I will protect you and everything.

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