I used to hide my tearful face behind a smiling back
やさしさで胸がいたくて こんなに日々がいとおしくて
My heart ached with your kindness and these days became precious
風の音に 夕闇に 懐かしい君を思い出す いつまでも一緒だよ、と 叶わぬことくり返し
In the rustling leaves and the gathering darkness, I think of you with fondness; Over and over, I repeat the words, "I'll always be with you," but it's an impossible wish
ぬくもりはこの手に あざやかなまま 生きている 忘れたくないもの
I still feel the warmth in my hands, it's as vivid as ever; That's something I can't forget
受け取った愛を 未来にかえながら
As I return the love I've received
あと何を話せただろう はなれてしまう その前に
I wonder what else I could've said before we parted ways
淋しさを感じることは 孤独とどこか違っていて
The sense of loneliness is unique in its way, distinct from solitude
ありがとう うれしいよ 大切な時間をくれたね
Thank you, I'm glad you gave me such precious memories
永遠をつなぐように 深い場所でふれあえた
We touched each other at a profound level, as if connecting to eternity
しあわせの余韻が そっと背中を 押している 旅立ちの夜明けを
Traces of happiness are gently nudging me forward on this night of departure
照らしてたのは 二度と会えない日々
It's those days we'll never have again that illuminate my path
さよならのかわりに 抱きしめていくんだ
Instead of saying goodbye, I'll keep you close
わたしをつくる ひとつひとつを
Every part of me you've created
ぬくもりはこの手に あざやかなまま 生きている 忘れたりしないよ
I still feel the warmth in my hands, it's as vivid as ever; I won't forget
受け取った愛の 輝きと歩こう
The radiance of the love I've received will guide my steps
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