Love humanity but don't study, its fault is ignorance, love wisdom but don't study, its fault is chaos
好信不好學 其蔽也賊 好直不好學 其蔽也絞
Love faith but don't study, its fault is theft, love rightness but don't study, its fault is execution
好勇不好學 其蔽也亂 好剛不好學 其蔽也狂
Love bravery but don't study, its fault is chaos, love strength but don't study, its fault is madness
就算你係仁智信直勇剛 依然必須好學至得
Even if you are benevolent, wise, faithful, upright, brave, and strong, you still have to study
既有黃金屋 也有顏如玉
There are golden mansions and beautiful women
一息尚存書必讀 讀書多厚福
As long as there is life, there must be reading, reading brings great happiness
好學為福 好學為福
Good learning brings happiness Good learning brings happiness
發奮做人書必讀 實在必須讀
Work hard to be a good person, must read, really must read
子日:「學而時習之不亦悅乎 有朋自遠方來不亦樂乎
Master said: "Study and practice it often, isn't that pleasant? When friends come from afar, isn't that joyful?
People do not know and do not feel ashamed, aren't they gentlemen?"
(Alas, I am really without alas)
[口白]Litmus變紅就係ACID 變藍就証明係鹼性
[Speech] Litmus turns red when it's ACID and turns blue when it's alkaline
正正得負負負得正 唉! 又負又正總之我真係唔生性
Positive with negative is negative, negative with positive is positive. Alas! Positive and negative, in short, I am really naughty
讀數理化就頭都昏 背國語我就牙都郁
I get dizzy when I study science and math, my teeth are itchy when I recite Chinese
始終未明點樣讀 我大考呢次僕
I still don't know how to study, I am going to fail this big exam
腦裂頭空 眼累人縮 無法讀完點樣會熟 我實在一碌木
My brain is split, my head is empty, my eyes are tired and my body is shrinking. I can't finish reading, how can I be familiar with it? I am really a block of wood
[Speech] A-B-C-D-E-F-G
Write 'I' BEFORE 'E' Except After 'C'
Write 'I' BEFORE 'E' Except After 'C'
Remember this mantra and you will never misspell words
長惻惻既就係小人 坦蕩蕩既就係君子
Those who are timid are villains, those who are open-minded are gentlemen
KIS2 is potassium disulfide[Friend's voice]
吓! 二硫錪化鉀 我重以為係KISS
Wow! Potassium disulfide. I thought it was KISS
你咪坐度頭嗒嗒 你咪顧住成身郁
Don't just sit there nodding your head, don't just move your body
一於實行苦幹讀 用足心機谷
Let's actually work hard and study, use our brains and energy
腦用神諗 眼用神捉
Use your brain to think and use your eyes to absorb
句句留神專心讀 讀得多梗熟
Pay attention to every sentence and read carefully. The more you read, the more you will know
再讀唔識 我發誓唔郁
I swear I won't move if I can't understand
一於係刨起勢讀 填鴨咁猛谷
Let's start reading and cramming, just like a duck
好學為福 好學為福
Good learning brings happiness Good learning brings happiness
一息尚存書必讀 實在必須讀
As long as there is life, there must be reading, really must read
好仁不好學 其蔽也愚 好智不好學 其蔽也蕩
Love humanity but don't study, its fault is ignorance, love wisdom but don't study, its fault is chaos
好信不好學 其蔽也賊 好直不好學 其蔽也絞
Love faith but don't study, its fault is theft, love rightness but don't study, its fault is execution
好勇不好學 其蔽也亂 好剛不好學 其蔽也狂
Love bravery but don't study, its fault is chaos, love strength but don't study, its fault is madness
發誓唔做愚蕩賊同絞亂狂 係要仁智信同直勇剛
I swear not to be ignorant, chaotic, thieving, or manipulative. I want to be benevolent, wise, faithful, upright, brave, and strong
既有黃金屋 也有顏如玉
There are golden mansions and beautiful women
一息尚存書必讀 讀書多厚福
As long as there is life, there must be reading, reading brings great happiness
好學為福 好學為福
Good learning brings happiness Good learning brings happiness
發奮做人書必讀 實在必須讀
Work hard to be a good person, must read, really must read
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