Kumachan - 小雨 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Kumachan - 小雨

Little Rain
I wish that the day didn't rain a steady drizzle
我們兩的緣份也許 也不會就這麼延續
The bond we shared may not have lasted this long
那時是第一次 我們單獨見面
That was the first time we met in person
你的笑靨 我怎麼都看不厭倦
Your smile, I couldn't get enough of it
漫步在校園 又偷瞄了一眼
Strolling on campus, I stole another glance
你那羞怯的笑顏 偷笑的靦腆
Your shy smile, your bashful laugh
周遭的情侶 他們頭靠著肩
Couples all around, their heads on each other's shoulders
多少的甜 當你秀髮搔著我的臉
Oh, how sweet it was when your hair brushed my face
(You whispered softly) in my ear
你說我像把傘 不讓你沾到任何一滴雨
You said I was like an umbrella, sheltering you from every drop of rain
一波波的甜意 在心裡掀起 漣漪
Waves of sweetness surged through my heart, creating ripples
我順勢把你的手牽起 這時候
I took your hand and held it tight, at that moment
(小雨來得真)巧 阻絕周遭的紛擾
(The little rain came) just in time, blocking out the surrounding chaos
People without umbrellas ran for the shelter of the arcade
I said, "Come closer so you won't get rained on"
And just like that, you fell into my embrace
(The little rain came just in time)
落下的雨 滴在臉頰上
The falling rain dripped down my cheeks
(The little rain came just in time)
Leaving traces along my temples
(小雨來得正)是時候 但分開之後
(The little rain came) just in time, but after we parted
I felt an even greater sense of loss
我開始 覺得不再是 你的摯愛
I began to feel like I was no longer your love
你不再示愛 未來的路 是滯礙 難行
You stopped showing me affection; the path ahead seemed difficult and impassable
(我到底是哪裡)反省 到底哪裡 (做錯)
(Where did I go wrong?) I ask myself, (Where did I make a mistake?)
你卻難以捉摸 的說 將錯(就錯)
But you're elusive, saying we should let bygones be bygones
當做 我們不曾認識過
Pretending like we never met
說到這你 甚至 不能正視我 這時候
When you say this, you can't even look me in the eye at this point
(小雨來得真)巧 也省得我們爭吵
(The little rain came) just in time, sparing us the need to argue
你說 (是時候) 我們分道 揚鑣
You said, "(It's time) we go our separate ways"
你聲調 強調 分手難以避免
Your tone emphasized that breaking up was inevitable
很諷刺 這裡正是第一次牽手的地點
How ironic that this is the same place where we first held hands
(You silently disappeared) from my sight
(You left) my world, (you left) my days and nights
正在下 我仍楞在那 心如刀割
Rain is falling, I'm still standing there, my heart aching
莫名其妙想起一首老歌 這麼唱
Suddenly, I recall the lyrics of an old song that went like this
(The little rain came just in time)
落下的雨 滴在臉頰上
The falling rain dripped down my cheeks
(The little rain came just in time)
留下的軌跡 在眼角旁
Leaving traces along my temples
(The little rain came just in time)
我們的誓言 未曾兌現
Our vows were never fulfilled
(The little rain came just in time)
而我的心 已經 碎成碎片
And my heart was shattered into pieces

Авторы: Xin Kuan Xiong

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