王溪 - 末日騎士 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский 王溪 - 末日騎士

Knight of the Apocalypse
我,眼中燃燒著烈火 雙手緊握著熾熱 我是審判的使者
I, with eyes ablaze, hands gripped tight, I am the harbinger of judgment.
你,靈魂沾染了罪惡 停止無謂的閃躲 等待你宣判的結果
You, with a soul stained by sin, cease your futile escape, await your sentence.
世界處處是邪惡 天空被染成了紅色
The world overflows with evil, the sky bleeds crimson.
看,末日的預兆來臨 狂風伴隨著大地 不斷地在戰慄
Behold, the omens of doom arrive, fierce winds shake the trembling earth.
聽,林中傳來了咒語 解開天啟那最後,最後的封印
Hark, from the woods, a chant arises, breaking the final seal of Revelation.
我,騎著黑色的瘟疫 馬蹄劃過了死寂 帶來遲到的最後的正義
I, upon my black steed of pestilence, hooves echoing through the silence, deliver justice, though it be late.
暴君正佔據著高地 我們需要去抗擊 那些邪惡的荒謬的聖諭
Tyrants claim the high ground, we must resist their decrees, their wicked, absurd edicts.
看,末日的戰役來臨 空氣伴隨著恐懼不斷地戰慄
See, the apocalyptic battle descends, fear hangs thick in the trembling air.
聽,天空飄來了細語 那是啟示錄最後仁慈的旨意
Listen, whispers drift from the heavens, the final merciful decree of the Apocalypse.
看,末日的預兆來臨 狂風伴隨著大地 不斷地在戰慄
Behold, the omens of doom arrive, fierce winds shake the trembling earth.
聽,林中傳來了咒語 解開天啟那最後,最後的封印
Hark, from the woods, a chant arises, breaking the final seal of Revelation.

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