百足 - FREEDOM - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский 百足 - FREEDOM

The first step I took is now my power
離れたい今は ただ暗闇の中迎える朝
Right now I just want to leave, in the midst of darkness I'll greet the morning
届かない夢にまた 結びだしたShoelace
I dream again of dreams I can't reach, I tie my shoelaces
始まるNew game こっから数十年
A new game begins, the next few decades will be like this
とか言って 笑ってるBaby girl
Smiling baby girl said things like that
With powder
I'll stop forgetting and go
Beats flowing, I'll give you a song, heads up
残りもうないゲージ 君のせい
I have no more gauges left, it's because of you
Things are going by so fast, I can't breathe
諦めんなよ俺 今は
Don't give up on me now
I don't need excuses to run away
仲間がうたう Baby, in my side That's how you show how well you are loved
My friends sing, baby, in my side that's how you show how well you are loved
消える君の背を追いかけても 見返すあの日のTalk(あの日のTalk)
I chase your disappearing back, I look back at our talk from that day (talk from that day)
もうどうしようもないけれど Oh oh
It's already hopeless but oh oh
ベース鳴り響く クラブでMake my song 無駄なものなんて俺いらないもう
The bass reverberates, in the club make my song, I don't need anything useless anymore
It was such a lonely time After you are gone
It was such a lonely time, after you are gone
現実に戻る朝 まだ山ずみ重なる不安とかJealous
I wake back up to reality in the morning, anxieties and jealousy are still piled up
なら鼻からすみっこで生きるのはやだ どうせならド真ん中じゃなきゃ
Then, I don't want to live hidden in a corner, If I'm going to do it, I have to do it properly
前に立つ勇気なんて到底 画面越しのヒーローにはなれないよごめん
I don't have enough courage to appear on stage, sorry I can't become a hero on the screen
でも君の瞳には俺がいて あのステージで輝く今を見て欲しくて
But your eyes had me in them, I wanted you to see me shining on that stage
どうせ俺なんて役立たず 脇役 マジやになることばっか
I'm a good-for-nothing, a supporting actor, I only ever become serious
でもやりたいことがある ごめんねママ でもいつか
But there's something I want to do, sorry mom, but some day
空に舞う 桜舞い散る 互いの想いがまたすれ違う
Cherry blossoms dance in the sky, our feelings pass each other by again
でも夢で会う めくるアルバム あの日の後悔を星に描く
But I'll meet you in my dreams, I'll flip through albums and draw regrets from that day into the stars
消える君の背を追いかけても 見返すあの日のTalk(あの日のTalk) もうどうしようもないけれど Oh oh
I chase your disappearing back, I look back at our talk from that day (talk from that day) It's already hopeless but oh oh
ベース鳴り響く クラブでMake my song 無駄なものなんて俺いらないもう
The bass reverberates, in the club make my song, I don't need anything useless anymore
It was such a lonely time After you are gone
It was such a lonely time, after you are gone
踏み出した一歩が今じゃ俺のPower 離れたい今は ただ暗闇の中迎える朝 届かない夢にまた 結びだしたShoelace 始まるNew
The first step I took is now my power, right now I just want to leave, in the midst of darkness I'll greet the morning, I dream again of dreams I can't reach, I tie my shoelaces, a new game begins, the next few decades will be like this
Game こっから数十年 とか言って 笑ってるBaby girl パウダーで 忘れることはもうやめてGo 流すビートあげるヘッズsong
Smiling baby girl said things like that, with powder, I'll stop forgetting and go, beats flowing, I'll give you a song, heads up
残りもうないゲージ 君のせい 息が出来ないくらい早いペース 諦めんなよ俺 今は 逃げる言い訳なんていらない 仲間がうたう Baby,
I have no more gauges left, it's because of you, things are going by so fast, I can't breathe, don't give up on me now, I don't need excuses to run away, my friends sing, baby,
In my side That's how you show how well you are loved 消える君の背を追いかけても
In my side that's how you show how well you are loved, I chase your disappearing back
見返すあの日のTalk(あの日のTalk) もうどうしようもないけれど Oh oh ベース鳴り響く クラブでMake my song
I look back at our talk from that day (talk from that day), it's already hopeless but oh oh, the bass reverberates, in the club make my song
無駄なものなんて俺いらないもう It was such a lonely time After you are gone 現実に戻る朝
I don't need anything useless anymore, it was such a lonely time, after you are gone, I wake back up to reality in the morning
まだ山ずみ重なる不安とかJealous なら鼻からすみっこで生きるのはやだ どうせならド真ん中じゃなきゃ 前に立つ勇気なんて到底
Anxieties and jealousy are still piled up, then, I don't want to live hidden in a corner, If I'm going to do it, I have to do it properly, I don't have enough courage to appear on stage
画面越しのヒーローにはなれないよごめん でも君の瞳には俺がいて あのステージで輝く今を見て欲しくて どうせ俺なんて役立たず 脇役
Sorry I can't become a hero on the screen, but your eyes had me in them, I wanted you to see me shining on that stage, I'm a good-for-nothing, a supporting actor
マジやになることばっか でもやりたいことがある ごめんねママ でもいつか 空に舞う 桜舞い散る 互いの想いがまたすれ違う でも夢で会う
I only ever become serious, But there's something I want to do, sorry mom, but some day, cherry blossoms dance in the sky, our feelings pass each other by again
めくるアルバム あの日の後悔を星に描く 消える君の背を追いかけても 見返すあの日のTalk(あの日のTalk) もうどうしようもないけれど
But I'll meet you in my dreams, I'll flip through albums and draw regrets from that day into the stars, I chase your disappearing back, I look back at our talk from that day (talk from that day) It's already hopeless but oh oh
Oh oh ベース鳴り響く クラブでMake my song
The bass reverberates, in the club make my song
無駄なものなんて俺いらないもう It was such a lonely time After you are gone
I don't need anything useless anymore, it was such a lonely time, after you are gone

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