盧巧音 - 算數 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский 盧巧音 - 算數

分手的一煞或者很不好過 苦痛到我要生要死
Breaking up can be difficult and painful, and I felt like I was going to die.
曾話過要去懷著怨氣 這一世也要決心憎你
I said I would hold a grudge and despise you for the rest of my life.
但我知花必須要謝 春天必須變夏天
But I know that flowers must wither and spring must turn into summer.
我也有天心死 稀風雪亦要繼續前行
I will also die one day, and the wind and snow will continue to move forward.
毛毛細雨 萬象更新 一概清洗心中的怨恨
Drizzle washes away all the resentment in my heart, like the changing of seasons.
人是會轉季節會變更 承受過冷與折磨過的枯枝
People change with the seasons, and even withered branches that have endured cold and suffering
can be reborn in the spring.
* 也許不應該憎恨人 好應該感動人 失戀都這樣勇敢
* Maybe I shouldn't hate you, but rather be touched that you were so brave after our breakup.
既是成年人 無謂再拿謠言誣蔑你 事後便罪加一等
As an adult, it's pointless to spread rumors and slander you, which would only make things worse.
再經過短短的春夏和秋冬來忘掉你 現在活得多開心
After a short spring, summer, fall, and winter, I have forgotten you and am now living a happy life.
跟你渡過 這麼多年 都算是朋友 何用變做仇人*
We spent so many years together and were considered friends. Why turn into enemies? *
舊事算數 大道康莊
Let's forget the past and move on.
跟你握握手冰釋怨恨 離別了你我至會瞭解
Let's shake hands and let go of the resentment. After we part ways, we will both understand
that I have the strength to withstand even the coldest winter temperatures.
* 也許不應該憎恨人 好應該感動人 失戀都這樣勇敢
* Maybe I shouldn't hate you, but rather be touched that you were so brave after our breakup.
既是成年人 無謂再拿謠言誣蔑你 事後便罪加一等
As an adult, it's pointless to spread rumors and slander you, which would only make things worse.
再經過短短的春夏和秋冬來忘掉你 現在活得多開心
After a short spring, summer, fall, and winter, I have forgotten you and am now living a happy life.
跟你渡過 這麼多年 都算是朋友 何用變做仇人*
We spent so many years together and were considered friends. Why turn into enemies? *
隨著季節變化 開始想不起了你的眼神
As the seasons change, I begin to forget your gaze.
來日你也讚歎 我也會劫後重生
In the future, you will also marvel at my resilience.
* 也許不應該憎恨人 好應該感動人 失戀都這樣勇敢
* Maybe I shouldn't hate you, but rather be touched that you were so brave after our breakup.
既是成年人 無謂再拿謠言誣蔑你 事後便罪加一等
As an adult, it's pointless to spread rumors and slander you, which would only make things worse.
再經過短短的春夏和秋冬來忘掉你 現在活得多開心
After a short spring, summer, fall, and winter, I have forgotten you and am now living a happy life.
跟你渡過 這麼多年 都算是朋友 何用變做仇人*
We spent so many years together and were considered friends. Why turn into enemies? *
一個目送 夏去秋來 等我用時間 忘掉這舊情人
I watch as summer turns to fall, and with time, I will forget this old lover.

Авторы: Lan Yi Bang, 藍 奕邦, 藍 奕邦

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