The price I paid for losing it was so big that I couldn't regain it. I stretched out my hand to try to get it back, but it slipped through my fingers like the wind, close, but not close enough.
My heart aches with loneliness and despair and feels like it's going to break. But your smile lives in my memories, and it's always there to encourage me.
もう一度あの頃に戻ろう 今度はきっと大丈夫 いつもそばで笑っていよう あなたのすぐそばで...
Let's go back to that time again. It'll be fine this time. Let's laugh side-by-side, just the two of us.
Where are you right now, what are you doing? Are you still in this place that extends to the sky? Are you still smiling as always? All I can do is hope that you are.
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