羅志祥 - 小丑魚 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский 羅志祥 - 小丑魚

我在妳身邊 游來游去 我不敢出聲 看著他親吻妳 眼不能閉
I swim around you, but I cannot speak my mind. As I watch him kiss you, I cannot close my eyes.
看妳的唇印 還在那裡 妳隔著玻璃 所以聽不見 我在嘆息
I see your lipstick still there, but you're behind glass now, so you cannot hear me sigh.
說不出口的秘密 永遠活在小小的世界裡
The secret I cannot tell will live forever in this tiny world,
僅存一點稀薄的氧氣 是否夠我繼續撐下去
With only a little bit of oxygen. Is it enough to keep me going?
這件脫不下來的外衣 還是妳喜歡的橘
This shell I cannot take off is still the orange you liked.
我不能確定 是否妳曾經注意 我的眼淚留在透明的水裡
I cannot be sure if you ever noticed my tears in the clear water.
Lady lady one more try 再試著了解我的愛
Lady, lady, one more try. Try to understand my love.
發不出聲音的感慨 選擇作朋友的無奈
I cannot speak the words, so I choose to be your friend. It's frustrating.
Lady lady one more try 提醒我何時該走開
Lady, lady, one more try. Remind me when I should leave.
只要妳偶爾想起來 我就住在那片海 那片海
As long as you think of me sometimes, I will live in that sea, that sea.
等我轉過身 看妳眼神 才知道自己 想得太過天真 傷得太深
When I turn around, I see your expression and I realize that I was naive. I was hurt too deeply.
愛來的時候 劃破沉悶 我早該知道 妳終究不是我 該愛的人
When love came, it pierced the silence. I should have known from the beginning that you were not the one I should love.
黑暗中兩眼無神 夜裡不再為我開盞燈
In the darkness, my eyes are blank. At night, you no longer turn on the light for me.
始終不敢將愛說出口 當然沒有資格去競爭
I never dared to say I loved you. Of course, I have no right to compete.
戀愛和失戀同時發生 怪自己枉費青春
Falling in love and losing love at the same time. It's my fault for wasting my youth.
我輸得徹底 把臉深埋在水裡面 卻還要演好這一場戲
I lost completely. I buried my face in the water, but I still had to play this part well.
Lady lady one more try 再試著了解我的愛
Lady, lady, one more try. Try to understand my love.
發不出聲音的感慨 選擇作朋友的無奈
I cannot speak the words, so I choose to be your friend. It's frustrating.
Lady lady one more try 提醒我何時該走開
Lady, lady, one more try. Remind me when I should leave.
只要妳偶爾想起來 我就住在那片海
As long as you think of me sometimes, I will live in that sea.
那片海 眼看就要讓我愈來愈遠 回不來
That sea is about to take me further and further away. There's no going back.
從此 妳的不愉快 那麼遙遠 誰聽你埋怨
From now on, your troubles will be so far away. Who will listen to you complain?
再說一遍 說一遍 Yeah 我在妳身邊 給你一點點愉快就 會心甘情願回到大海
Say it again, say it again. Yeah, I am by your side. I will give you a little bit of joy. I will gladly return to the sea.
Lady lady one more try 再試著了解我的愛
Lady, lady, one more try. Try to understand my love.
發不出聲音的感慨 選擇作朋友的無奈
I cannot speak the words, so I choose to be your friend. It's frustrating.
Lady lady one more try 提醒我何時該走開
Lady, lady, one more try. Remind me when I should leave.
只要妳偶爾想起來 我就住在那片海 那片海
As long as you think of me sometimes, I will live in that sea, that sea.

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