美郷あき - 週末COUNT DOWN - перевод текста песни на английский

週末COUNT DOWN - 美郷あきперевод на английский

(Let's get ready to count down) (Go!Go! Let's go jump to you!!)
(Let's get ready to count down) (Go!Go! Let's go jump to you!!)
月→火→水→木→金曜日 会えない時も恋してる
Monday→Tuesday→Wednesday→Thursday→Friday Even when we can't meet, I'm in love with you
電話の声かすれるたびキュンとして(I love weekends)
Every time your voice becomes hoarse on the phone, I get flushed (I love weekends)
月→火→水→木→金曜日 指折り数えてweekend
Monday→Tuesday→Wednesday→Thursday→Friday Counting the days until the weekend with fingers
今度あなたに会えるまで3・2・1 (Let's get ready to count down)
Until I can see you again, 3-2-1 (Let's get ready to count down)
だんだんカウントダウン(Go!Go! Let's go jump to you!!)
The countdown is getting closer (Go!Go! Let's go jump to you!!)
電車で往復して5時間 半年プチ遠距離恋愛
Roundtrip on the train for 5 hours, Half a year of long-distance relationship
Our time to meet is getting closer
響く時計の針のチクタク 破裂しそうよ胸のバクバク
The ticking of the clock echoes, My heart feels like it's going to burst
新しいカフェ覗いてみたり あの服が似合いそうとか
Checking out new cafes, Wondering what outfit will suit you
デートコースリサーチしてるweekdays(I love weekends)
Researching date courses during the week (I love weekends)
月→火→水→木→金曜日 日ごとに愛しいダーリン
Monday→Tuesday→Wednesday→Thursday→Friday My darling, you're more precious with every passing day
頭ん中はあなたの事でいっぱい(Let's get ready to count down)
My mind is filled with thoughts of you (Let's get ready to count down)
Everyday.everynight... (Go!Go! Let's go jump to you!!)
Everyday.everynight... (Go!Go! Let's go jump to you!!)
(Everyday 愛しいダーリン) (everynight 数えてweekend)
(Everyday, my darling) (Every night, counting down the weekend)
(Everyday 愛しいダーリン) (everynight 数えてweekend)
(Everyday, my darling) (Every night, counting down the weekend)
リップのツヤツヤチェックして 少し癖のある髪型と
Checking the glossiness of my lips, My hair slightly out of style
When I exit the ticket gate, our eyes meet at the same time
アガるわたしに右手差し出す あなたはやけに余裕しゃくしゃく
As I get excited, you reach out your right hand, You seem very composed
7日ぶりに繋いだ手に ついついチカラ入っちゃう
Holding the hand I haven't held in 7 days, I can't help but feel strong
「ちょっと痛い」と苦笑いされて「テヘヘ」(I love weekends)
"It hurts a little," you chuckle and I say, "Teehee" (I love weekends)
月→火→水→木→金曜日 ふたりで近況報告
Monday→Tuesday→Wednesday→Thursday→Friday Exchanging updates about our lives
今度あなたが笑うまで3・2・1 (Let's get ready to count down)
Until I can see you smile again, 3-2-1 (Let's get ready to count down)
だんだんカウントダウン(Go!Go! Let's go jump to you!!)
The countdown is getting closer (Go!Go! Let's go jump to you!!)
寂しくなる日だってある 溢れる不安や涙も
There are days when I get lonely, Overflowing with anxiety and tears
The weekend, a magic spell that blows it all away
月→火→水→木→金曜日 会えない時も恋してる
Monday→Tuesday→Wednesday→Thursday→Friday Even when we can't meet, I'm in love with you
電話の声かすれるたびキュンとして(I love weekends)
Every time your voice becomes hoarse on the phone, I get flushed (I love weekends)
月→火→水→木→金曜日 指折り数えてweekend
Monday→Tuesday→Wednesday→Thursday→Friday Counting the days until the weekend with fingers
今度あなたに会えるまで3・2・1 (Let's get ready to count down)
Until I can see you again, 3-2-1 (Let's get ready to count down)
だんだんカウントダウン(Go!Go! Let's go jump to you!!)
The countdown is getting closer (Go!Go! Let's go jump to you!!)
Love. (Let's get ready to count down)
Love. (Let's get ready to count down)
Everyday.everynight... (Go!Go! Let's go jump to you!!)
Everyday.everynight... (Go!Go! Let's go jump to you!!)
(Everyday 愛しいダーリン) (everynight 数えてweekend)
(Everyday, my darling) (Every night, counting down the weekend)
(Everyday 愛しいダーリン) (everynight 数えてweekend)
(Everyday, my darling) (Every night, counting down the weekend)

Авторы: Telaco

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