I bought two ice cream cones for a hundred bucks and got eighty bucks back. I bought a movie ticket for an afternoon and found a little romance.
一個人買一段青春 找夢的旅程 一轉眼買一次歷險 找愛的永遠
I bought a piece of my youth and found a journey of dreams. In the blink of an eye, I bought an adventure and found eternal love.
找找貓 找找閒 找找誰 找找錢
Looking for a cat, looking for some free time, looking for someone, looking for money,
找找夢 找找甜 找找快樂 找個人愛
Looking for dreams, looking for something sweet, looking for happiness, looking for someone to love.
有些答案 你不去找它不會自己到 有些人事 你怎麼找永遠找不到
There are some answers you won't find if you don't go looking for them. There are some people you'll never find no matter how hard you look.
有些思想 你停止找它會尾隨就來到 有些感覺 你找到了它隨時都想逃
There are some thoughts that will follow you if you stop looking for them. There are some feelings that you'll want to run away from once you find them.
Grandpa: Xiao Xuan, come here! Grandpa has a riddle for you! Listen carefully!
一百塊買二支冰棒 找八十塊錢 一下午買張電影票 找一段浪漫
I bought two ice cream cones for a hundred bucks and got eighty bucks back. I bought a movie ticket for an afternoon and found a little romance.
一個人買一段青春 找夢的旅程 一轉眼買一次歷險 找愛的永遠
I bought a piece of my youth and found a journey of dreams. In the blink of an eye, I bought an adventure and found eternal love.
找找貓 找找閒 找找誰 找找錢
Looking for a cat, looking for some free time, looking for someone, looking for money,
找找夢 找找甜 找找快樂 找個人愛
Looking for dreams, looking for something sweet, looking for happiness, looking for someone to love.
有些答案 你不去找它不會自己到 有些人事 你怎麼找永遠找不到
There are some answers you won't find if you don't go looking for them. There are some people you'll never find no matter how hard you look.
有些思想 你停止找它會尾隨就來到 有些感覺 你找到了它隨時都想逃
There are some thoughts that will follow you if you stop looking for them. There are some feelings that you'll want to run away from once you find them.
找找貓 找找閒 找找誰 找找錢
Looking for a cat, looking for some free time, looking for someone, looking for money,
找找夢 找找甜 找找快樂 找個人愛
Looking for dreams, looking for something sweet, looking for happiness, looking for someone to love.
有些答案 你不去找它不會自己到 有些人事 你怎麼找永遠找不到
There are some answers you won't find if you don't go looking for them. There are some people you'll never find no matter how hard you look.
有些思想 你停止找它會尾隨就來到 有些感覺 你找到了它隨時都想逃
There are some thoughts that will follow you if you stop looking for them. There are some feelings that you'll want to run away from once you find them.
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