莫宰羊 - 魚 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский 莫宰羊 - 魚

如果我是一隻魚 我幹嘛要當莫宰羊
If I were a fish, why would I want to be a scapegoat?
如果我是一隻魚 把生命虛度在魚缸
If I were a fish, wasting my life in a fishbowl,
如果我是一隻魚 give fuck about 浪費時光
If I were a fish, giving a fuck about wasting time,
如果我是一隻魚 rip humanity 全死光
If I were a fish, ripping humanity to pieces, they'd all be dead.
Why would I want to be a scapegoat?
Wasting my life in a fishbowl,
Give fuck about 浪費時光
Giving a fuck about wasting time,
Rip humanity 全死光
Ripping humanity to pieces, they'd all be dead.
人類太多煩惱 (還要)把情緒管好
When people have too many problems (and still) have to control their emotions,
魚有水和 food 就夠了甭一輩子追金銀財寶
Fish just need water and food, they don't have to chase after gold and treasures their whole lives.
吐呀吐泡泡 你戴面具呀苦笑笑
Blowing bubbles, you wear a mask and give a wry smile,
If I could be a fish, I wouldn't have to take off my pants to pee.
忙碌一生做個money chaser
Spending a lifetime being a money chaser,
Mortgages, car loans, crushing down on you, making you kneel,
I also want to earn a lot of money to spend, and then travel the world,
But if I were a fish, throw me into the sea and all my dreams would come true.
Balaba br boba bopa
Balaba br boba bopa,
絲襪奶茶 我都加波霸
I love pearl milk tea, I always add boba,
人類白痴把我吐的 bubble
You stupid humans, drink the bubbles I spit out,
You drink them all into your stomachs and your stomachs become as big as several pots.
我他媽幹嘛要當人 人性善惡紛爭 要我就當魚
Why the fuck do I want to be a human? Human nature is full of conflicts, I'd rather be a fish,
直接躲到海裡去 直接躲到海裡去
Just hide in the sea, just hide in the sea.
如果我是一隻魚 我幹嘛要當莫宰羊
If I were a fish, why would I want to be a scapegoat?
如果我是一隻魚 把生命虛度在魚缸
If I were a fish, wasting my life in a fishbowl,
如果我是一隻魚 give fuck about 浪費時光
If I were a fish, giving a fuck about wasting time,
如果我是一隻魚 rip humanity 全死光
If I were a fish, ripping humanity to pieces, they'd all be dead.
Why would I want to be a scapegoat?
Wasting my life in a fishbowl,

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