薛凱琪 - 南瓜車 - перевод текста песни на английский

南瓜車 - 薛凱琪перевод на английский

Cinderella's Carriage
那天專車駛到大門外 整車裝著愛
That day, the special car drove up to the grand entrance, the whole car filled with love.
緣份到了 被熱戀接載出發向舞會開
Destiny had arrived, and I was chauffeured to the ball by passionate love.
誰知十二點剛剛夠鐘 融洽甜蜜難再
Who knew that when the clock struck twelve, our harmonious sweetness would end?
被你趕回來 浪漫完被踢開
You sent me running back home, the romance over and me cast aside.
Little did I know my ending had been so cruelly altered.
如歸家的一刻 再沒南瓜車
Like a moment of returning home, there was no more Cinderella's carriage.
就靠這一雙腿 散步返宿舍
I relied on my own two feet, walking back to my dormitory.
遊玩過童話國 如幻覺遮蓋視野
Having explored the wonderland of fairy tales, my vision was clouded by illusions.
可有乘載著我 重回現實班車
Could there be a carriage to carry me back to the reality bus?
做過幾分鐘公主 搭著南瓜車
I had been a princess for a few minutes, riding in Cinderella's carriage.
And I had a lover who came to take me to a romantic midnight rendezvous.
良辰 如沒有權續借
Good times, like borrowed privileges, must end.
自行 回家不必撒野
I'll go home on my own, no need to make a fuss.
那麼衷心相信著神話 應該給代價
I had believed so wholeheartedly in the fairy tale, but I had to pay the price.
還未算化 但遇到變卦 總要學會瀟灑
I'm not yet a butterfly, but when faced with change, I must learn to be graceful.
何必日日等橙色馬車 情感何用神化
Why wait day after day for an orange carriage? Why idealize emotions?
被你追求時 日日門外有花
When you pursued me, there were flowers outside my door every day.
But I guessed that once the party was over, all that would be left was snowflakes.
如歸家的一刻 再沒南瓜車
Like a moment of returning home, there was no more Cinderella's carriage.
就靠這一雙腿 散步返宿舍
I relied on my own two feet, walking back to my dormitory.
遊玩過童話國 如幻覺遮蓋視野
Having explored the wonderland of fairy tales, my vision was clouded by illusions.
可有乘載著我 重回現實班車
Could there be a carriage to carry me back to the reality bus?
做過幾分鐘公主 搭著南瓜車
I had been a princess for a few minutes, riding in Cinderella's carriage.
And I had a lover who came to take me to a romantic midnight rendezvous.
良辰 如沒有權續借
Good times, like borrowed privileges, must end.
自行 回家不必撒野
I'll go home on my own, no need to make a fuss.
The fortress of happiness has become a wasteland.
情願我 沉實些
I would rather be more down-to-earth.
I'll start my journey early and not get entangled with you.
如歸家的一刻 再沒南瓜車
Like a moment of returning home, there was no more Cinderella's carriage.
地鐵不開通宵 仍能靠步行
The subway may not run all night, but I can still walk.
流淚眼 能習慣 還是有一片視野
My tearful eyes can adjust, and there will still be a view.
足夠認我路向 回頭截順風車
Enough for me to recognize my path and flag down a ride.
讓這灰色衫小姐 告別南瓜車
Let this girl in the gray dress say goodbye to Cinderella's carriage.
下次再有人來接 但願是新娘的花車
The next time someone comes to take me away, may it be in a bridal car.
無奈半途下車 但求仍走得出曠野
I regret having to get off the carriage halfway, but I hope I can still find my way out of the wilderness.

Авторы: Wong Wy Man, Weng Wei Ying

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