蘇珮卿 - 爆炸 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский 蘇珮卿 - 爆炸

在荒蕪中爭吵沒有的註解 不知往哪走
In the wilderness, arguing makes no sense. I don't know where to go.
被黑暗埋沒 被黑暗注入 且沒有出路
Buried by darkness, injected by darkness, there is no way out.
在荒蕪中爭吵沒有的註解 不知往哪走
In the wilderness, arguing makes no sense. I don't know where to go.
被黑暗埋沒 被黑暗注入 且沒有出路
Buried by darkness, injected by darkness, there is no way out.
在口舌中找自己的影子 孤獨在歌頌 一切都是空
In the bitterness, I search for a shadow of myself, loneliness sings, everything is empty.
我的心 我的愛 此刻消失無蹤
My heart, my love, has now disappeared.
掉落情緒黑洞中 彎曲的時間 蔓延成無限
Falling into a black hole of emotion, time becomes distorted and stretches infinitely.
來不及尋找 被丟掉的 曾經的我們
Too late to look for the abandoned, our past selves.
引爆 瞬間 火光 漫延
Ignition, instantaneous, flames spread,
理智 斷線 我的心變成了碎片
Reasoning, disconnected, my heart is shattered.
絕望 侵蝕 我的 容顏
Despair, eroding my appearance.
我無處可逃 被困在這愛情實驗
I have nowhere to escape, trapped in this experiment of love.
引爆 瞬間 火光 漫延
Ignition, instantaneous, flames spread,
理智 斷線 我的心變成了碎片
Reasoning, disconnected, my heart is shattered.
絕望 侵蝕 我的 容顏
Despair, eroding my appearance.
我無處可逃 被困在這愛情實驗
I have nowhere to escape, trapped in this experiment of love.
失去重力 失速墜落 我不願再等候
Losing gravity, falling out of control, I don't want to wait any longer.
我只想逃離 我只想解開這枷鎖
I just want to escape, I just want to unlock this shackle.
失去重力 失速墜落 我不願再守候
Losing gravity, falling out of control, I don't want to endure any longer.
我無法呼吸 就快要窒息 愛化成灰燼
I can't breathe, I'm about to suffocate, love has turned to ashes.

Авторы: Pei Qing Su

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