蛋堡Soft Lipa - 少年維持著煩惱 - перевод текста песни на английский

少年維持著煩惱 - 蛋堡Soft Lipaперевод на английский

Boy Maintains His Worries
他常要猶豫很多選擇 頭髮的長度 鞋子的顏色
He often hesitates to choose between many options, like the length of his hair or the color of his shoes.
他常要面對很多抉擇 舒服的床鋪 或老師的臉色
He often faces many dilemmas, like choosing between a comfortable bed or the teacher's face.
他常要背很多單字 增進了程度 拼英文的檢測
He often has to memorize many vocabulary words to improve his grades in English spelling tests.
有時會遇上一些麻煩 回家的長路 是埋伏和險惡
Sometimes he encounters some troubles, like the long road home, where ambushes and dangers lurk.
他常常 坐在圍牆上看火車經過
He often sits on a wall watching trains pass by.
He often checks the newspaper for this week's horoscope.
他常常發呆 在重要時候
He often daydreams at important times.
所以每件事都反覆確認 以防有聽錯
So he keeps double-checking everything to avoid misunderstandings.
他徬徨 關於一些把握或錯過 或懊悔 有心無心的過錯
He hesitates about some choices or mistakes he made, whether he regrets them or not, whether they were intentional or not.
不喜歡囉嗦 有時比較少講話
He doesn’t like to talk too much and sometimes talks less.
看著書 聽著歌 幻想著長大
He reads books, listens to music, and fantasizes about growing up.
That boy keeps up his worries.
He is preoccupied with his worries.
Those are insignificant worries.
That boy keeps up his worries.
He is preoccupied with his worries.
Those are insignificant worries.
當然他有他的煩惱 有時是沒法 有時是不想去趕跑
Of course, he has his own worries, sometimes they are unavoidable and sometimes he doesn’t want to chase them away.
For example, it's hard to find someone who understands him.
好學校多難考 和愛戀的纏繞
It's hard to get into a good school and it's hard to get involved in love affairs.
喜歡的女生 他等待著回應
He is waiting for a reply from the girl he likes.
家裡的規定 愛情這時是違禁
His family has a rule that love is forbidden at this time.
一星期兩次 她補習班的背影 在夜裡 畫面一直重播不會停
Twice a week, he sees the girl he likes from behind, at her cram school, at night, and the picture keeps replaying in his mind.
寫成一首詩 他投稿在校刊
He writes a poem about her and submits it to the school magazine.
佐青澀的文字 是青春的套餐
His immature words become a youthful meal.
他了解少年不怕累 老人怕爆肝
He understands that young people are not afraid of being tired while old people are afraid of getting overworked.
不懂人長大愛孤獨 小時怕落單
He doesn't understand why people grow up to love loneliness and were afraid of being left alone when they were young.
而處於 這個似懂非懂的年紀
And being at this age, where he understands yet does not fully comprehend,
和屬於未來 瑣碎的成熟相比
and compared to the trivial maturity of the future,
他想得太多 顯得不切實際
he thinks too much and is unrealistic.
他覺得沒有人懂 是寂寞的十七
He feels that no one understands him, that he is lonely at 17.
That boy keeps up his worries.
He is preoccupied with his worries.
Those are insignificant worries.
That boy keeps up his worries.
He is preoccupied with his worries.
Those are insignificant worries.
他多想跳過現在的生活 沒想過多年後卻發現這成為鄉愁
He wants to skip his current life, but he never thought that many years later he would find it nostalgic.
他很在乎承諾 沒想過多年後 沒比較多連絡
He cares a lot about promises, but he never thought that many years later, he wouldn't have much contact with people.
他還不能看透 心裡的妒火 在多年後都只是路過
He still can't see through the jealousy in his heart, which would only pass by many years later.
他還沒法掙脫 懂的詞不多 沒法去對誰訴說
He still can't escape, he doesn't know many words, and he can't tell anyone about it.
他想複製成熟的樣板 沒想過會感嘆流失的浪漫
He wants to copy a model of maturity, but he never thought he would sigh for the loss of romance.
期待幸福和美滿 沒想過有天在鞋盒遺忘愛情的遺憾
He expects happiness and fulfillment, but he never thought that one day he would forget his love in a shoebox.
他也沒想過 會當過壞人
He also never thought he would become a bad person.
He never thought he would miss innocence and simplicity.
只單純地 專心在他的煩惱
He only cares about his worries.
Those are insignificant worries.
That boy keeps up his worries.
He is preoccupied with his worries.
Those are insignificant worries.
That boy keeps up his worries.
He is preoccupied with his worries.
Those are insignificant worries.
That boy keeps up his worries.
He is preoccupied with his worries.
Those are insignificant worries.
That boy keeps up his worries.
He is preoccupied with his worries.
Those are insignificant worries.

Авторы: Zhen Xi Duo

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