蛋堡Soft Lipa - 房間 - перевод текста песни на английский

房間 - 蛋堡Soft Lipaперевод на английский

歡迎來到我的房間 來坐到我的旁邊
Welcome to my room Come sit next to me
離開我的床墊 世界上最後防線
Hey Get off my mattress The world's last line of defense
磚塊水泥鋼筋 做成四方空心
Bricks cement and steel beams Make a hollow square
空間裡所有動靜 運作以我為中心
All the movement and stillness in the space Operate with me as the center
經過精心佈置 輕輕寫滿我的故事
After careful arrangement Gently write my story
門外曾傳來呼喊和怒斥 裡外是兩種固執
There were shouts and scolding outside The outside and inside are two kinds of stubbornness
我最私密的空間 在這裡裸著雉氣和瘋癲
My most private space Here I am naked, weird and crazy
經歷過多年的高潮和夢靨 在這裡毀滅 在這裡重建
I have experienced years of climaxes and nightmares Here I am destroyed Here I am rebuilt
在這裡呆 聽音樂 翻字典 重播舊片 解魔術方塊
Stay here Listen to music Flip through a dictionary Replay old movies Solve the Rubik's Cube
滿腦的衣物 滿地的思緒 滿桌的詞句在描述當代
My mind is full of clothes The floor is full of thoughts The table is full of words Describing the present
歡迎來到我的房間 享受特製過的光線
Welcome to my room Enjoy the specially made light
隨意翻看我的唱片 灑上香味後 就能 Fly Fly away
Feel free to flip through my records After sprinkling on the fragrance, you can Fly Fly away
說這音樂舒服不如說它廢 像菸和酒總是勾搭背
It's not as good as saying that music is comfortable, it's like cigarettes and alcohol always hooking up
門外的懷疑都猜對 譴責有但無所謂
The suspicions outside the door are all correct The accusations are there but whatever
當我被黑暗統治 任中午陽光諷刺
When I was ruled by darkness Let the midday sun be ironic
潰散 軟爛 壞死 沒目標何必需要組織
Collapsing Rotting Dying Why do you need organization without a goal
燈光昏暗 讓人焦點分散
The lights are dim, distracting
把頹廢化裝成慵懶 這是比較雅觀
Disguise decadence as laziness This is more elegant
所以燈光音響角色吃重 氣氛裡讓我們假釋失控
So the role of lighting and sound is important Let us be released from control in the atmosphere
相對的 唯一清醒時鐘 就突兀地存在於我的時空
On the contrary, the only sober clock Exists abruptly in my time and space
Fly Fly Fly Fly Fly Fly Fly Fly Fly away
Fly Fly Fly Fly Fly Fly Fly Fly Fly away
在這場合 誰都是凡人
In this case Everyone is mortal
把所有不能說的難為情事 出門前完成
Finish all the embarrassing things you can't say before you go out
然後穿起羞恥心 戴上身段 跨越過高高門檻
Then put on a sense of shame Wear a figure Cross the high threshold
不把不堪帶出門 不就不會不安
If you don't bring unbearable things out the door, you won't be anxious
When you go out alone, there is always someone urging you behind your back
催促我回到我歸宿 像回到被羊水圍繞的最初
Urging me to return to my destination Like returning to the beginning surrounded by amniotic fluid
那裡總會有聲音竄出 如掉落彈珠
There will always be sounds rushing out there Like a falling marble
正當 深夜 睡覺或看書
Just In the middle of the night Sleeping or reading
但能專注在漫步 單獨關注著萬物
But I can concentrate on walking Focusing on all things alone
歡度不用向日記坦白的私生活 從鎖門後就正式只剩我
Enjoy a private life that does not have to be confessed to the diary After locking the door, it is officially only me left
尺度從沒斟酌或謹慎過 形象止步 像從沒人能指認過
The尺度 was never considered or cautious Image stopped As if no one could ever recognize it
而雖然說我有顆躁鬱之心 沒發動戰爭讓人照樣吃驚
And although I have a manic heart It is still surprising to not start a war
在亂世中 我倒像是清醒 看過我爆炸請不要有陰影
In the midst of chaos I seem to be awake Please don't be afraid after seeing me explode
歡迎來到我的房間 享受特製過的光線
Welcome to my room Enjoy the specially prepared light
隨意翻看我的唱片 灑上香味後 就能Fly away
Feel free to flip through my records After sprinkling in the fragrance, you can Fly away
Fly away Fly Fly Fly Fly Fly Fly Fly Fly
Fly away Fly Fly Fly Fly Fly Fly Fly Fly
(Shell snail)

Авторы: Zhen Xi Du

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