蛋堡Soft Lipa - 演員 - перевод текста песни на английский

演員 - 蛋堡Soft Lipaперевод на английский

Dear one,
I must don my costume once more,
表布是共識 內裡才是我的意圖
The fabric is consensus, the lining conceals my motive.
Once worn, it clings tightly to my skin.
台詞是即興 但規則要記住
The lines are improvised, but the rules must be remembered.
比如 不管什麼戲路
For example, no matter the role,
它總要你演著寬容 演著不嫉妒
You must always act with tolerance and without envy.
Following the script given by society,
在餘生 演好一幕又一幕
Throughout life, you must perform act after act,
到結束 才會被評為好戲一部
Only at the end will you be judged a good play.
這步走出門外開始 就是踏進棚內
The moment you step outside is the moment you enter the studio.
無論主角配角 都是競爭的同類
Whether protagonist or supporting actor, we are all competitors.
又總會 迷惑沈醉於燈光掌聲
And we often lose ourselves in the lights and applause.
有時入戲太深 忘了何者為真
Sometimes we get too caught up in the role and forget what is real.
Like an actor's life,
學會揣摩喜怒哀樂 詮釋生旦淨丑
Learning to portray happiness, anger, sorrow, and joy, interpreting every role.
沒得彩排 沒人拍攝 全為了應酬
No rehearsals, no filming, all for the sake of socializing.
So-called maturity is often just learning to suppress.
是磨練著演技 去承受那些壓力
It is honing one's acting skills to withstand the pressure.
Yet I despise my indecisiveness,
Despise that I am not the protagonist of the story and can hardly compromise.
也恨自己 把演技磨得太老練
I also despise my own acting, honed to perfection.
恨自己 想逃避又在意表現
I despise that I want to escape yet care about my performance.
所以時常表面是湖 心裡是瀑布
That's why my surface is often calm while my heart is a raging waterfall.
My performance is always the opposite of my heart or somewhat off.
用笑當布幕 讓眼淚流向腹部
Using laughter as a curtain, I let my tears flow into my stomach.
想逃開注目 只好越活越孤獨
To escape attention, I live an increasingly solitary life,
An increasingly solitary life.
Finally, I shed my costume,
拉扯了一生 弄鬆了我的皮膚
Tugging at it all my life, it loosens my skin.
如釋重負 躺在我該躺的地方
With a sense of relief, I lie where I belong,
沒留下什麼 只剩下劇照一張
Leaving nothing behind but a single photograph.
Watching the final scene,
There is nothing I have had enough of yet cannot give up,
Nor is there anything behind the scenes I cannot reveal.
我想起 此生的好些插曲 評價是兩極
I recall many episodes of my life, the reviews were mixed.
面前是我的親人 我的朋友 我的摯愛
Before me are my family, my friends, my beloved.
如果有人演著悲傷 算是我的失敗
If anyone plays the role of sadness, it is my failure.
相對於他們 平靜的我的姿態
Compared to them, my peaceful demeanor
是一切終於落幕 享受我的自在
Means that the curtain has finally fallen and I am enjoying my freedom,
An unprecedented freedom.

Авторы: Zhen Xi Du

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