I told you '97 Why do you have to panic and pray to the gods and Buddha? (Shouting ten)
已經胃酸過多夾風濕(重有久咳) 成日閉翳實聽吃弗得(重有執笠)
Already have hyperacidity with rheumatism (and lingering cough) Always feel depressed and can't eat (and going out of business)
未有耐到'97 起枝筆數 二千零廿八日(駛乜急) 已經預冇法走得甩
There is still a long time until '97 Pick up a pen and count Two thousand and twenty-eight days (Why hurry?) Already expecting to have no way to get away
(又冇 Short Cut) 移民外國亦系聽糟質 咪匿 屋企速速Call機
(There is no shortcut) Immigrating to a foreign country will also be criticized Don't hide Stay home and quickly call your pager
Call班知己 睇番出無厘頭攪笑戲 卡拉OK「堆」樽拔蘭地
Call your buddies Watch some silly comedy movies Karaoke "stack" bottles of brandy
High High 高聲亂唱再去旺角打機 買份八卦雜誌睇
High High Sing out loud and then go to Mongkok to play games Buy a gossip magazine and read it
大姐楣 「及」 邊個整容後揚 威選美 明日懶鬼理 最緊要依家
Da Jie Mei "and" who got plastic surgery after they became famous Beauty pageant Tomorrow the lazy person will care The most important thing is now
Happy 話知佢死 我話知你′97 其實香港適應力強未嚇窒(好煉得)
Happy Tell them to die I told you '97 In fact, Hong Kong has strong adaptability and is not scared (very adaptable)
斷估或者到 '97(又變 乜) 繁榮盛世度度有金執 斷估或者到
Guess or until '97 (what else will change?) Golden age everywhere you go Guess or until
'97(實刮多筆) 人人暴發 My friend, good luck
'97 (will definitely make a lot of money) Everyone becomes rich My friend, good luck
(Good luck, good luck, God bless 1997 阿陀侘佛
(Good luck, good luck, God bless 1997 Amitabha
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