許廷鏗 - 問天 (劇集"琅琊榜"主題曲) - перевод текста песни на английский

問天 (劇集"琅琊榜"主題曲) - 許廷鏗перевод на английский

問天 (劇集"琅琊榜"主題曲)
Asking Heaven (Theme Song from the TV Series "Nirvana in Fire")
無情 悠悠望盡世態興衰
Emotionless, I watch the rise and fall of the world
無眠 淡淡細聽落葉風吹
Sleepless, I listen to the wind rustle the fallen leaves
無名 平平靜靜只跟自己可相對
Nameless, I find solace only in my own company
無求 名名利利罔罔虛虛
Desireless, for fame and fortune are but fleeting illusions
無痕 落在寸寸面目身軀
Traceless, they leave their mark on every face and body
無窮 前塵舊事渺渺炊煙 沒法追
Endless, the past is like smoke, impossible to grasp
如何難受終需一別 再見
How painful it is, this inevitable farewell, goodbye
原來離別方知感覺 深淺
Only in parting do I realize the depth of my feelings
誰人兩手縛著是紅線 延續無數懷念
Whose hands are bound by the red thread, carrying countless memories?
如何流逝匆匆幾年 再見
How the years have flown by, goodbye
言詞懸在千鈞一髮 最難辯
Words hang by a thread, too difficult to speak
誰人眼睛昨夜淚流遍 情義只可問天
Whose eyes were drenched in tears last night? Only Heaven knows this love
無情 平平白白化作止水
Emotionless, I become still water, calm and clear
無遺 靜靜察看地動風吹
Unburdened, I observe the earth move and the wind blow
無名 仇仇恨恨千絲萬卷 於心裡
Nameless, hatred and resentment tangle within my heart
無求 名名利利罔罔虛虛
Desireless, for fame and fortune are but fleeting illusions
無痕 落在寸寸面目身軀
Traceless, they leave their mark on every face and body
無窮 前塵舊事渺渺炊煙 沒法追
Endless, the past is like smoke, impossible to grasp
如何難受終需一別 再見
How painful it is, this inevitable farewell, goodbye
原來離別方知感覺 深淺
Only in parting do I realize the depth of my feelings
誰人兩手縛著是紅線 延續無數懷念
Whose hands are bound by the red thread, carrying countless memories?
如何流逝匆匆幾年 再見
How the years have flown by, goodbye
言詞懸在千鈞一髮 最難辯
Words hang by a thread, too difficult to speak
誰人眼睛昨夜淚流遍 情義只可問天
Whose eyes were drenched in tears last night? Only Heaven knows this love
原來離別只等一日 再見
Turns out, goodbye was just a day away
原來承諾只等一次 兌現
Turns out, promises are meant to be kept just once
誰人兩手縛著是紅線 延續無數懷念
Whose hands are bound by the red thread, carrying countless memories?
如何流逝匆匆幾年 蛻變
How the years have flown by, transforming us
情緣遺落天邊海角 已沉澱
Our love, lost at the edge of the world, has settled
誰人眼睛昨夜淚流遍 何日方可晴天
Whose eyes were drenched in tears last night? When will the skies clear?

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