趙傳 - 感謝你 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский 趙傳 - 感謝你

Thank you (感謝你)
辜負春光 一晃然 掩蓋不住的白發
Wasted my youth without knowing it; my gray hair can't be hidden any longer
染過幾遍 已坦然 笑納成熟更瀟灑
I've dyed it over and over again; I've accepted it and become more carefree with maturity.
舊紙箱 經年累月仍靜靜躺
The old cardboard box has laid there quietly for years
不舍的寶貝 放不下了 又塞滿
reluctant to let go of your treasures; you can't bear to throw them away, so you just keep adding more
虛度時光才恍然 歌與哭聲都沙啞
When I wasted time I was in a daze; Now both my singing and crying voices are hoarse.
若留不住就放開 讓命運自己回向
If I can't keep it, I'll let it go and let fate take its course
老地方 走過了千山萬水的遊蕩
My old haunts: I've traveled far and wide
回頭看 最幸福的是平凡
Looking back, the greatest happiness is the ordinary.
給我痛 給我傷 在我青春的路上
Give me pain, give me heartache on the road of my youth
那些希望和絕望 我感謝你
For all those hopes and despairs, I'm grateful to you,
雨會搧 風會刮 磨也不滅的刻劃
Rain will fall, wind will blow, but they can't erase the marks.
曾經我勉強 是為了夢倔強
I once insisted out of stubbornness, all for my dreams.
煮了滿桌的飯香 你有沒有吃飽啊
I've prepared a feast for you; have you had enough to eat?
萬語千言化一聲 只想知道 你好嗎
Ten thousand words condensed into one: I just want to know, are you okay?
一個家 要父母姊妹兄弟的牽掛
A family needs the concern of parents, siblings, and relatives,
才圓滿 心依偎著心不散
Only then can it be complete; their hearts are tied together, never to be separated.
為我痛 為我傷 在你青春的路上
For me you've suffered, for me you've been hurt, on the path of your youth.
我還欠你一句話 我感謝你
I still owe you some words, I'm grateful to you.
雨會搧 風會刮 每一幕念念不忘
Rain will fall, wind will blow, and every scene will be unforgettable.
多少次勉強 是你為我倔強
How many times have you insisted, all out of stubbornness for me?
感謝痛 感謝傷 感謝青春的路上
Grateful for the pain; grateful for the wounds; grateful for the path of our youth.
最想說這一句話 我感謝你
Most of all, I want to say this to you: I'm grateful to you.
雨再搧 風再刮 不棄不離不肯放
Rain will fall, wind will blow, but I will not abandon you, I will not let you go.
多少次勉強 是你為我堅強
How many times have you insisted, all out of strength for me?
對我摁肝放 感謝汝ㄟ作伴
Hold me and accompany me, and thank you for that.

Авторы: 曾麗婕, 莊蔚義, 陳宏宇, 雷振光

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