農夫 - Rap Along Song - перевод текста песни на английский

Rap Along Song - 農夫перевод на английский

Rap Along Song
Rap Along Song
原諒我不懂得唱歌 令你耳膜都穿破
Forgive me for not knowing how to sing and for making your eardrums rupture
原諒我結他不太好 越彈越錯
Forgive me for not being very good at playing the guitar and for making more and more mistakes as I play
原諒我寫曲不算多 但我冇趕交功課
Forgive me for not writing many songs, but I didn't miss any deadlines
若我作得都算好 請記住我
If you think I'm good at composing, please remember me
歌不需要花巧太多 震音到假音你都叻過我
A song doesn't need to be too fancy, you're better than me at vibrato and falsetto
所以我 只好作多幾隻歌 期望能令你有日感動過
So I'll just write a few more songs in the hope that one day I can move you
無論有冇坐定聽過 縱使你想起身走去廁所
Whether you're sitting down and listening or you want to get up and go to the toilet
如未來碰見我 能話從細細個 已經你開始咗
If we meet in the future, you can say that you've been
Listening to our rap songs since you were little
Ah 好多朋友問過我做乜仲要rap歌
Oh, many friends have asked me why I still rap
In the long run, it won't lead to anything good
廿年後仲check it out 我仲老過你老豆
Twenty years from now, you'll still be checking it out and I'll be older than your father
仲舉高隻手又洗乜怕醜 你唔嘔我都知醜
You can still raise your hand high, why be shy? Even if you don't throw up, I know I'm ugly
就算係你最喜愛 無幾耐會被取代
Even if it's your favorite thing, it will be replaced before long
Rap可以興幾耐 點樣同流行曲比賽
How long can rap last? How can it compete with pop songs?
唔緊要我再澄清 我哋唔係要做明星
It doesn't matter, I'll clarify again, we're not trying to be stars
即使記得玲玲玲玲 總有日忘記我名稱
Even if you remember the jingle, one day you'll forget my name
Maybe one day there will be no more lights, no more cheers, no more purchases
都記得今日出街連師奶都同我say hi
But remember that today, even housewives say hello to me on the street
無言感激 太多喺心 我哋將佢變做歌
I'm speechless and so grateful. I can't say it all, so I'll turn it into a song
無錯知音變多咗 但我哋仍然係我
That's right, there are more people who appreciate me now, but we're still the same
無諗過要上c1 無諗過做大師級
I never thought about going to C1 or becoming a master
我依然用同一支筆 諗到乜就寫啲乜
I still use the same pen and write whatever comes to mind
At first, I rhymed just for fun, who would have thought it would affect people?
In this life, it's enough to have met someone who appreciates me. We have no regrets
Come on, let's rap along, rap到天光
Come on, let's rap along, rap until dawn
即使到八十歲 都需要繼續去
Even when we're eighty, we'll keep going
再rap along, rap到口乾
Rap along again, rap until our mouths are dry
No matter how many wet words, rap a few more verses
我rap along, 乜嘢都講
I rap along, I talk about everything
懇請你記住我 DJ你記住播
Please remember me, DJ, please remember to play
rap along, rap along song
This rap along, rap along song
No matter how many venues, please follow me through
Rap along and on, rap along and on
Rap along and on, rap along and on
Rap along and on
Rap along and on
Rap along and on, rap along and on
Rap along and on, rap along and on
Rap along and on
Rap along and on
Rap along and on, rap along and on
Rap along and on, rap along and on
Rap along and on
Rap along and on

Авторы: C Kwan

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