農夫 - P 得霸氣一點 (feat. KiKi) - перевод текста песни на английский

P 得霸氣一點 (feat. KiKi) - 農夫перевод на английский

P 得霸氣一點 (feat. KiKi)
P De Ba Qi Yi Dian (feat. KiKi)
So many people say you like taking pictures, in fact I don't like taking pictures at all, I only like taking selfies, master/god, please help me
Hey buddy, you obviously are really handsome in person
What the heck, why do you look like a different person in pictures?
You don't even know how to use the beauty app?
Let me teach you the special selfie technique!
Now choose a filter, set your pose
Wow, this is so beautiful!
我條腰唔夠幼 我條腿唔夠瘦
My waist is not thin, my legs are not thin
P走隔離條友 P大我個心口
Photo-edit: Remove that dude next to me, enlarge my chest
大神請你救救 我有美圖秀秀
Master/god, please help me, I have a beauty app
P多個頭 P多對手 P到天下我有
Add a head, add a pair of hands, edit until I'm the only person in the picture
開始啦 最緊要相機拍先 相機拍先
Let's begin, the most important thing is to take a picture first, take a picture first
開餐啦 最緊要相機吔先 相機吔先
Let's begin, the most important thing is to eat first, eat first
開波啦 最緊要相機踢先 相機踢先
Let's begin, the most important thing is to kick first, kick first
各大神大神 麻煩P得霸氣一點
Masters/gods, masters/gods, please help edit the photo to be a little more domineering
唔洗拗 嚟個三炒高炒低炒側炒
Don't argue, now we do a stir-fry, high-fry, low-fry, side-fry
唔洗比較 我未加特效
Don't compare, I haven't added any special effects
你同我定啲啦啲啦 我知啦知啦
settle down, settle down, I know, I know
再PP 最緊要P啲罅
Edit again, the most important thing is to edit the gaps between things
咪有囉 你咪有蘿
Tada! Now you look slim
就算一個肥佬 我見你一場嚟到
Even if you're fat, I see that you've come all this way
Let me edit you into a six-pack stomach
就算一個醜女 我都唔想你受罪
Even if you're ugly, I don't want you to suffer
I'll edit you until men drool over you
一拎起自拍神器 個個變獨臂神尼
Once we pick up the selfie stick, we all become one-armed goddesses
單手影 咁神奇 我哋有自拍神技
Take a picture with one hand, so magical, we have the selfie technique
呢面 嗰面 左面 你喺邊面
This side, that side, left side, which side are you on?
呢面 嗰面 左面 側面
This side, that side, left side, side side
拉麵 撈麵 炒麵 丁麵
Ramen, lo mein, fried noodles, instant noodles
邊面 嗰面 最後一面
Which side, that side, the last side
面面面面面 食你煮麵
All sides, all sides, eat your noodles
Hold up your phone
Get ready to face us
趁我仲喺度 咪棟喺度 要自拍就過嚟
While I'm still here, don't just stand there, if you want to take a selfie, come over
I edit until you look like a Korean star
(其實) 真人似糖兄
(But) in person, you look like a fool
你P圖 要知道 咪改到 基因改造
You should know that you can't edit so much that you need a genetic makeover
大神 求求你
Master/god, please
Help me edit a Ferrari
Add Fan Bingbing sitting on my lap
Beauty apps don't mean I'm self-conscious
How I edit my photos is my right
唔欣賞 照分享
If you don't appreciate it, share it anyway
I, I, I have a dream
(Edit a photo to comfort me)
呢面 嗰面 左面 你喺邊面
This side, that side, left side, which side are you on?
呢面 嗰面 左面 側面
This side, that side, left side, side side
拉麵 撈麵 炒麵 丁麵
Ramen, lo mein, fried noodles, instant noodles
邊面 嗰面 最後一面
Which side, that side, the last side
面面面面面 食你煮
All sides, all sides, eat your cooking
拉麵 撈麵 炒麵 丁麵
Ramen, lo mein, fried noodles, instant noodles
E-noodles, Ekin Cheng, plus Lee Sirin
臨兵鬥者皆陣列在前 誅邪
Soldiers ready for battle, kill evil
個個都美肌遮瑕 遮埋雙下爬㗎啦
Everyone uses beauty filters to cover up their double chins
嗱你執大埋隻眼 削骨還父
Now enlarge your eyes, give your bones back to your father
Trim your feet, make yourself taller
Draw out your stomach
Oh! You want a gap too?
Great, just one click of the beauty button and you'll look like Zhou Xiuna!
Even Sister Ruifen will look like Angelababy!
Repeat x 2
Repeat x 2

Авторы: Fu Nong, Tommy Dj

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