農夫 - 值到爆 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский 農夫 - 值到爆

Worth to Explode
邊一個星座 十二個星座都適合我
Which constellation out of the twelve suits me the best?
我最值 我值到爆 我直頭值到爆
I am the best, the most worthy, and I am so hot right now!
邊一個星座 十二個星座都適合我
Which constellation out of the twelve suits me the best?
我最值 我直頭值到爆 值到爆
I am the best, the most worthy, so hot right now!
我值到爆 baby
I'm so hot baby
Ladies 幾時我都咁鍾意
Ladies, I have always liked you all so much.
我值到爆 baby
I'm so hot baby
爆s baby 爆s baby
Hot baby, hot baby
金牛金牛 出名好數口
Taurus, Taurus is known for their good financial sense
有佢睇住你個戶口 一世唔使愁
With him taking care of your bank account, you will never have to worry for your whole life
仲矮過幾個頭 細細粒粒
And they are shorter than you by a few heads, small and delicate
長情到無人有 永遠love love
They are ever lasting and affectionate, forever in love
講咁多個星座 佢係最o岩我
Amongst all the constellations, they suit me the most
又夠細心 又似母親
They are so considerate and nurturing
雖然未必識搞好多花臣 拍拖可能悶親
Even though they may not be so playful, and you may get bored with them on dates
但係做人太太 佢攞足一百分
But when it comes to being a wife, they score a hundred percent
最怕係雙子 呢一種女士 聰明有才智
I'm most afraid of Gemini, this kind of woman is intelligent and clever
They can see right through you and your intentions
同佢一齊要花d心思 因為佢好容易覺得你唔funny
Being together with them takes a lot of effort, and they are easily bored with you if you're not funny
做獅子座o既情人 你要甘心學阿旦做個小男人
If you are a Leo's partner, you have to willingly take on the female role and be a submissive man
一家之主邊有你份 同你訓完佢會負責任
There is no place for you as the head of the household, and after sleeping with you, they will take responsibility
天蠍o既lady 我鍾意鍾到crazy
I love the Scorpio ladies, they drive me crazy
你幾時都咁sexy 我可以俾你統治
You are always so sexy, I want you to dominate me
But you always have an unspeakable secret
Aries women are the most obedient but quick-tempered
You can tell that they are not easy to handle
做伴娘最可靠 一旦撻著 祝你地百年好合
They are the most reliable bridesmaids and once you hit it off, I wish you a happy marriage
我值到爆 baby
I'm so hot baby
Ladies 幾時我都咁鍾意
Ladies, I have always liked you all so much.
我值到爆 baby
I'm so hot baby
爆s baby 爆s baby
Hot baby, hot baby
山羊山羊o既女士 鍾意向上向上o既男子
Capricorn ladies like men who are upwardly mobile
有情飲水飽 你咪搞
Love can't sustain you alone, so don't bother
最緊要咪講笑 俾佢一個要求
The most important thing is to not joke and just do as she asks
天秤座最多靚女 最多不安焦慮恐懼
Libra has the most beautiful women, they are also the most insecure and anxious
諗埋d野有咁瑣碎 得咁瑣碎
They think about the most trivial things
猶豫不決 等你慢慢追
Always hesitating, they wait for you to slowly pursue them
想要水秤座個心 就睇你乜野心態
To get a Libra's heart, it depends on your intentions
佢唔講金 淨係鍾意講野真怪
They don't care about money and just like to be honest
雙魚最需要相愛 雙魚最易受傷害
Pisces needs love the most and are easily hurt
They believe that there is no one more adorable than them
處女座o既小姐 係完美o既主義者
Virgo ladies are perfectionists
They always cause trouble
佢揀你 係唔係代表你完美呢?
If she chooses you, does it mean that you are perfect?
Here comes my Sagittarius
To pursue them, you have to put in some effort
婆婆媽媽 一定會墮馬
If you are a homebody and a mama's boy, you will definitely be dumped
唔知你唔痴家 唔使你送花
They don't like it when you stay at home too much and don't need you to send flowers
邊一個星座 十二個星座都適合我
Which constellation out of the twelve suits me the best?
我直頭值到爆 值到爆
I am so hot right now!
我值到爆 baby
I'm so hot baby
Ladies 幾時我都咁鍾意
Ladies, I have always liked you all so much.
我值到爆 baby
I'm so hot baby
爆s baby 爆s baby
Hot baby, hot baby

Авторы: C Kwan C Kwan, 6 Wing 6 Wing, Galaxy Dj

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