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好彩分手 - 農夫перевод на английский

Break-Up with Grace
唔駛咁愁喎朋友 一段感情梗有佢完嘅時候架
Hey, don't be so sad, my friend. Every relationship has to end sometime.
佢肯同你分手 你應該走夾唔抖喇
She agreed to break up with you. You should be so relieved.
咁嘅人都有 簡直係禽獸 我明架
She's just being cruel. I understand.
你能夠忍嘅都忍夠 你等佢變
You've endured all you can. You waited for her to change.
佢冇理過你感受 佢洗你錢
She didn't care about your feelings. She used your money.
佢cut你線 佢落你面
She hung up on you. She humiliated you.
你對佢仁至義盡啦 佢仲想你點?
You've been more than kind to her. What more could she want?
Remember, her breaking up with you is her loss.
Just pretend you never met her.
You only trusted the wrong person once.
Don't lose faith in the possibility of a good relationship.
你個ex擺明係賤人 係廢人
Your ex is clearly a bad person, a piece of trash.
你咪為佢費神 你當為己為人
Don't waste your energy on her. Think of yourself.
Have you ever heard the saying, "When your enemy is falling, do not push him further"?
She's posting on Instagram, pretending to be the victim.
你話佢扮咩 扮咩受害者
Why is she pretending? She's trying to deceive you.
佢話佢比你仲傷 其實你係你俾佢中傷
She claims you hurt her more. In reality, she's the one who hurt you.
呢啲咪趟着都要中槍 邊有人分手趙完仲唱
Why is she still talking about you? She's just trying to create drama.
人生流流長 總會遇到幾條
You'll meet many people throughout your life.
Remember when you broke up? You were miserable.
最委屈嘅你受夠 冇分手會有排你受
You suffered the deepest pain, and you didn't break up with her.
Eventually, you found someone who made you happy.
你開心到冇朋友 最初玩你嘅人等天收
You were ecstatic. Your past mistake was a blessing in disguise.
Yes, I know you're still heartbroken.
But this person has no right to affect your life forever.
喊啦 即管喊出黎
Go ahead and cry.
少少眼淚 咪當交少少學費
A few tears are like tuition, a small price to pay.
You don't want to be in a relationship where you feel like you're at war.
She hurt you in many different ways.
講大話佢太擅長 朋友你太善良
She was a pathological liar, and you're too kind.
你點對人 唔等於人地會點對你
The way you treat others doesn't determine how they will treat you.
學識呢個道理 獲益嘅係你自己
Learning this lesson will benefit you in the long run.
Maybe this relationship was a bitter experience.
不過你應該慶幸 呢個人冇同你走到結尾
But you should be grateful that it didn't last.
Your ex will be nothing but a source of pain and regret for the rest of your life.
你都會憎佢做嘅一切 你後悔同佢一齊
You'll never forget her cruelty.
As the saying goes, "Everyone has to die someday."
You wish that day would come sooner.
你仲要扮咩 扮咩偉大啫
Why are you putting on a brave face? You're being selfless.
根本佢就係有史以嚟 呢個人淨係識愛自己
She's the most selfish person you've ever met.
分咗手仲要講你是非 邊有人一衰衰到貼地
She's still talking about you behind your back. She's an attention seeker.
人生流流長 總有人唔洗原諒
You'll meet many different people throughout your life. Some of them are not worth forgiving.
Remember when you broke up? You were miserable.
最委屈嘅你受夠 冇分手會有排你受
You suffered the deepest pain, and you didn't break up with her.
Eventually, you found someone who made you happy.
你開心到冇朋友 最初玩你嘅人等天收
You were ecstatic. Your past mistake was a blessing in disguise.
好彩分手 洗乜怕醜
Look, it's a good thing you broke up. Don't be embarrassed.
佢講出口 即刻拍手
Look, she said it herself, so clap your hands.
你轉身走 洗乜深究
Look, just walk away. Don't think about it too much.
Look, be assured that you will find true love again.

Авторы: Fu Nong, Kwan C

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