農夫 - 日出而作 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский 農夫 - 日出而作

Sunrise at Work
返工放工 幾點至夠鐘
Return from work, leave from work, what time is quitting time?
Sick leave要點用 開會有乜用
Sick leave, how can I use it? Meetings, what are they for?
Punch the clock, punch the clock, remember to punch the clock.
日出而作 搏一搏 我架單車都變摩托
Sunrise at work, try hard, maybe my bicycle will turn into a motorcycle.
睡眼惺忪九點鐘 記得起身返工
Eyes still sleepy at nine o'clock, remember to get up and go to work.
Nine hours, nine hours, returning to work nine hours every day.
個個都要返工 返工先唔使窮 證明你有用
Everybody has to go to work, you won't be poor by going to work, it proves that you're useful.
My salary mid-month already can't support me
第一個鐘輕輕松松 等第二個鐘
The first hour is easy, waiting for the second hour.
第二個鐘去Site visit 順便去埋game zone
The second hour go visit a construction site, then surf the net
第三個鐘打電話 打成個鐘至接通
The third hour make a phone call, takes forever to get connected.
The following four hours have lots of things to do, surrounded by company gossip.
入廁所沖嚇沖嚇 又釣魚中嚇中嚇
Rush to the toilet, flush and gossip, gossip and flush.
攞杯咖啡沖嚇沖嚇 沖嚇沖嚇沖嚇沖嚇
Grab a cup of coffee, flush and chat, flush flush flush flush flush.
Flushed all the way to the final hour in this way.
個個睇住個鐘 個個等放工
Everybody looks at the clock, everybody waits to leave work.
Go out to play after leaving work, afraid of waking up early next morning, and also afraid of month-end expenses.
Going to work is a game of boredom unto death, and boredom to illness.
你老闆唔鍾意你 你唔鍾意份工
Your boss doesn't like you, and you don't like the job.
鬼叫你鍾意份人工 咁就冇嘢需要理
But you like your salary, so you just let it be.
返工放工 幾點至夠鐘
Return from work, leave from work, what time is quitting time?
Sick leave要點用 開會有乜用
Sick leave, how can I use it? Meetings, what are they for?
Punch the clock, punch the clock, remember to punch the clock.
打卡最型 打唔停 打少一成會雙目失明
Punching the clock is the coolest, punch without stopping, one punch less and you'll go blind.
Most bosses underestimate the ability of their employees.
Most employees underestimate the intelligence of their bosses.
Most bosses challenge the endurance of their employees.
Most employees ask their colleagues for snacks.
番工放工 幾點至夠鐘
Return from work, leave from work, what time is quitting time?
Sick leave要點用 開會有乜用
Sick leave, how can I use it? Meetings, what are they for?
Punch the clock, punch the clock, remember to punch the clock.
日搏夜搏先發覺 最鍾意讀書返學
Work hard day and night and finally realize, you like studying and being at school the most.
永遠就嚟遲到 班地鐵一定趕唔到
Always almost late, I definitely can't catch the metro.
好彩第一個返到 老細又睇我唔到
Luckily I'm the first one to arrive, and my boss didn't see me.
There are already so many freaking things to do early in the morning.
Finally lie down at the end of work.
Some people have nothing to do and have to pretend to be busy.
Female colleagues put on makeup and then touch up their makeup.
The gossiping clique in the pantry pretends to have meetings with the same person.
The project is discussed over and over.
掃把話唔夠數 出嚟捉人去跑數
The broom says we're understaffed and goes out to catch people to meet the quota.
跑極都系唔夠數 份人工又唔啱數
No matter how much I run, the quota is never met, and the salary is also pitiful.
The worst is when you wake up late after drinking and can't go to work.
詐病請病假 又要付出代價
Pretend to be sick and take sick leave, and have to pay the price.
好彩呀邊個有醫生紙明碼實價 仲要做緊特價
Luckily, someone has a doctor's note, marked price, and it's on sale.
No fear as long as more than four days are applied for.
費事返到公司 好似只死屍
Too lazy to go to company, looks like a zombie.
放工去開P 點知要OT
Go to a party after work, but have to overtime.
Punch the clock, punch the clock, remember to punch the clock.
If you don't OT, who will know?
返工放工 幾點至夠鐘
Return from work, leave from work, what time is quitting time?
Sick leave要點用 開會有乜用
Sick leave, how can I use it? Meetings, what are they for?
Punch the clock, punch the clock, remember to punch the clock.
(喂 今晚我要早走呀 你可唔可以幫嚇我手呀)
(Hey, I have to leave early tonight, can you help me out?)
番工放工 幾點至夠鐘
Return from work, leave from work, what time is quitting time?
Sick leave要點用 開會有乜用
Sick leave, how can I use it? Meetings, what are they for?
Punch the clock, punch the clock, remember to punch the clock.
(尋晚我都冇走 點打卡嗻)
(I didn't leave last night either, how am I supposed to punch the clock?)

Авторы: 6 Wing 6 Wing, Galaxy Dj, Kwan C

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