農夫 - 最偉大嘅平民 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский 農夫 - 最偉大嘅平民

The Greatest Commoner
我哋聽過有好多故事 為咗夢想一走了之
We've heard many stories of people leaving to pursue their dreams
去到陌生嘅都市 搵到人生嘅意義
Going to a strange city to find the meaning of life
以前我覺得好熱血 係勵志 嘅例子
I used to think it was inspiring, a courageous example
而家大個啲諗真啲 出走反而係容易
Now that I'm older and wiser, I realize that leaving is the easy way out
只要搵一次狠心啲 自私啲 留低反而係難事
All it takes is a moment of selfishness, staying is the hard part
對住弱智嘅波士 白痴嘅上司
Putting up with a moronic boss, an idiotic supervisor
Ignoring the gossip and backstabbing of colleagues
忍受社畜嘅日子 日日如是
Enduring the daily grind of corporate life
Dreaming of becoming a magician but ending up as an accountant
Wanting to be a barista but ending up making coffee for your boss
難以想像 細細個明明仲想 有夢想
Hard to imagine, but as a child, we had dreams
How did we end up like this, so far from our aspirations?
It's all for family and parents
True greatness lies not in pursuing dreams
But in giving up one's dreams
而係為咗最愛嘅對象 選擇放棄夢想
For the sake of loved ones
戥你心傷 同時想 為你鼓掌
My heart breaks for you, but I applaud your sacrifice
夢想好多好多個個個繽紛 好吸引
Dreams are many, each one alluring and vibrant
幻想花光一生去全力追尋 不過份
It's not unreasonable to dedicate your life to them
為咗家室仔女與最愛雙親 雖不忿
But for family, children, and aging parents
You're willing to sacrifice your dreams
You are the greatest commoner
我知你仲有夢想喺入面 只係忍住冇去實現
I know you still have dreams hidden deep inside
旁人對你 視而不見 睇低你一線
But you suppress them, unseen by others
佢笑你 唔敢向前冇勇氣搵自己一片天
They mock you, saying you lack courage to pursue your own path
其實你係 守護梗 其他人嘅生活 不變遷
But you are protecting the lives of others
努力不懈 攞面奧運金牌
Toiling tirelessly, striving for Olympic gold
唔出街 煮飯 洗衫 餵奶
Staying home, cooking, cleaning, and nurturing
Who dares to say which is braver or greater?
清晒 啲債 拍拍蘿柚 走埋
Pay off the debts or pack your bags and leave
你有你抱負 你又要照顧八十歲嘅老父
You have your own aspirations, but you also have an elderly father to care for
How can you balance both?
勇敢地 負責任 媲美 出走嘅勇氣
Your courage and responsibility rival the bravery of those who leave
比起吹捧 追夢 更值得讚美
You deserve praise, not glorification for pursuing dreams
肯承認自己嘅平凡 已經係好偉大
Acknowledging your own ordinariness is a true act of greatness
龜就咪去搵 隻兔仔比賽跑得快
A turtle should not compete with a rabbit in a race
醜小鴨 變天鵝 唔係因為努力過
An ugly duckling does not become a swan through effort alone
係因為 佢父母 都係天鵝囉
It's because its parents were swans
夢想好多好多個個個繽紛 好吸引
Dreams are many, each one alluring and vibrant
幻想花光一生去全力追尋 不過份
It's not unreasonable to dedicate your life to them
為咗家室仔女與最愛雙親 雖不忿
But for family, children, and aging parents
You're willing to sacrifice your dreams
You are the greatest commoner
想流浪地球 孭住背囊漫遊
To wander the world with a backpack
亞洲行到非洲 非洲行返轉頭
From Asia to Africa and back again
有個小朋友嗌 老竇 老竇
A child calls out, "Daddy, Daddy"
一步都唔走 咁就 足夠
Staying put is enough
想放低家業 立新破舊
To leave behind the family business and start anew
唔想接手 闖自己一片宇宙
To forge your own path in a different universe
家書 寫住 加油 奮鬥
A letter from home says, "加油, never give up"
一步都唔走 咁就 足夠
Staying put is enough
想做個樂手 路過路口
To become a musician, playing at street corners
即興演奏 有人拍手就享受
Improvising melodies, basking in applause
有對老人家 摸摸你額頭
An elderly couple touches your forehead
一步都唔走 咁就 足夠
Staying put is enough
想浪漫自由 玩夠先抖
To travel the world, experiencing life to the fullest
冇承諾束縛 遊走花花宇宙
Free from commitments, exploring the unknown
有個人等候 十指 緊扣
But there's someone waiting, hands clasped together
一步都唔走 咁就 足夠
Staying put is enough
夢想好多好多個個個繽紛 好吸引
Dreams are many, each one alluring and vibrant
幻想花光一生去全力追尋 不過份
It's not unreasonable to dedicate your life to them
為咗家室仔女與最愛雙親 雖不忿
But for family, children, and aging parents
You're willing to sacrifice your dreams
You are the greatest commoner
La-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la, la-la-la
La-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la, la-la-la
La-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la, la-la-la
La-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la, la-la-la
La-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la 雖不忿
La-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la 虽不忿
You're still willing to sacrifice your dreams
You are the greatest commoner

Авторы: C Kwan

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