農夫 - 櫻木花道喺邊度 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский 農夫 - 櫻木花道喺邊度

Where is Sakuragi Hanamichi
How many challenges have you faced
How many times have you been scared
In the past, watching you fight hard in all your scenes
熱血灌溉淚腺 令我鬥志燃點
Your passion wet my tear ducts and ignited my fighting spirit
Up until now
櫻木你喺邊 有否改變
Sakuragi, where have you been? Have you changed
Sakuragi Hanamichi, where are you
仲有冇搵 流川同仙道
Do you still look for Rukawa and Sendo
仲有冇打波 打緊職業 定嗜好
Do you still play basketball - as a professional or just for fun
你仲係咪嗰個 永遠唔肯認輸嘅癲佬
Are you still that crazy guy who never gives up
仲有冇夢想 如果有 你又有冇實現到
Do you still have dreams? If so, have you made them come true
偶像 你放棄咗未
My idol, have you given up
一直以嚟 我都以為 自己 似你
For a long time, I always thought I was like you
我掛住 嗰個時期嘅自己
I miss being myself back then
嗰份自欺嘅稚氣 直到 最尾 佢哋 社會 屋企
That self-deceiving naïvety, until finally, they, society and my family
Taught me the truth of survival
要任由歪理去屈你 面對不義要不理 放低骨氣理得你
You must let ignorance defeat you, when facing injustice just ignore it, forget your pride and just do what you’re told
原來 熱血 到收尾 只不過係場 骨痹 嘅馬騮戲
Turns out, passion in the end is just a silly monkey show
I’m not mad at you
我想飛 fadeaway 飛唔出呢片土地
I want to fly, to fade away, but I can’t escape this place
想逃避 我唔係你 我唔係秘密武器
I want to escape, I’m not you, I’m not some secret weapon
Haven’t you shot enough free throws for me
How dare you tell me that effort and reward are directly proportional
我識搶籃板 過唔到難關
I know how to grab rebounds, but I can’t overcome this challenge
The path of life isn’t as flat as a basketball court
你衰咗最多咪 五犯 離場 再玩
At most, you only get five fouls, then you leave the game and play again
現實係 唔一樣 衰一樣 就冇得掹
Reality is, it’s not like that, fail once and you’re done
再冇夢想 要追 我已經衰夠
No more dreams to chase, I’ve failed enough
追咗咁多年 先發現入樽係個詛咒
After chasing them for so many years, I finally discovered that Slam Dunk is a curse
人生處處係對手 根本冇隊友
Everywhere you look there are enemies, there are no teammates
一世人咁多個考驗 唯有係自己一個搞掂
Life has so many challenges, only you can solve them yourself
現實 入面 冇安西教練
Reality doesn’t have a Coach Anzai
Maybe Shohoku never made it to the national championships
你只係我信咗咁多年 信錯嘅信念
You’re just a belief that I believed in for so many years
櫻木 花道 再見
Sakuragi, Hanamichi, goodbye
How many challenges have you faced
How many times have you been scared
In the past, watching you fight hard in all your scenes
熱血灌溉淚腺 令我鬥志燃點
Your passion wet my tear ducts and ignited my fighting spirit
Up until now
櫻木你喺邊 有否改變
Sakuragi, where have you been? Have you changed
櫻木花道好耐冇見 你仲有冇面出現
Sakuragi Hanamichi, long time no see, do you have the guts to show your face
你呃咗我成個童年 你用熱血去催眠
You lied to me all my childhood, you hypnotised me with your passion
我係天才 我係天才
I’m a genius, I’m a genius
我嘅未來 應該 要期待
My future should be something to look forward to
後來闖過 追過 爽過 衰過
Later on, I adventured, I chased, I was proud, I failed
闖禍仲唔夠多 個世界叫返醒我
Failed so many times, the world woke me up
美夢 完結
The dream is over
銀行 存摺
Bank statement
幻想 幻滅
Fantasy, disillusionment
股票 賺蝕
Stocks, profit and loss
做人嘅風格 保險去揣測 就係要選擇圓滑
To survive, you guess, and choose to be smooth
遇到問題 唔提 唔睇 我係隻眼開隻眼閉
When you meet problems, don’t talk about them, don’t look at them, I turn a blind eye
有入息就心息 唔好阻住搵食
As long as you have an income, then don’t worry about it, don’t get in the way of making money
諗起童年嘅壯舉 流過嘅汗水
Thinking back to my childhood achievements, the sweat I shed
我居然會笑我戇居 任由我去否定過去
I can’t believe I would laugh at myself for foolishly denying the past
I doubt that Haruko became your girlfriend in the end
懷疑你一早放棄咗籃球 放棄咗湘北嘅隊友
I doubt that you gave up basketball early and your teammates at Shohoku
唔係點解NBA選秀 唔見有 日本選手
Otherwise, why do I never see any Japanese players in the NBA draft
我唔會向你追究 我知只有 二次元至有
I won’t hold you accountable, I know that only two dimensions are beautiful
最美好嘅之後 你可唔可以帶埋我走
The best thing you can do, can you take me with you
令我變返少年咁 少年jump少年jump
Let me be a少年 again, 少年jump少年jump
成場落後緊幾多分 有信心 翻到身
We’re trailing by a lot at the moment, but I have faith that we can turn things around
我有無限可能 可能係下一個Kobe Bryant
I have endless potential, maybe I’ll be the next Kobe Bryant
I imagine my jersey hanging from the rafters
全場觀眾嗌到 流川仙道 都羡慕
The entire audience will chant my name, even Rukawa and Sendo will be envious
呢個傳奇駕到 你有份打造
You helped to create this legend
多謝 櫻木 花道
Thank you, Sakuragi, Hanamichi
How many challenges have you faced
How many times have you been scared
In the past, watching you fight hard in all your scenes
熱血灌溉淚腺 令我鬥志燃點
Your passion wet my tear ducts and ignited my fighting spirit
Up until now
櫻木你喺邊 有否改變
Sakuragi, where have you been? Have you changed

Авторы: C Kwan

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