農夫 - 返老還童 - перевод текста песни на английский

返老還童 - 農夫перевод на английский

Grow Young Again
In fact, one day you discover you're at a certain age
In fact, you'll say it's so fast so fast so old
青春多好 容顏太快變老
Youth is so good, your face ages too quickly
原來聽朝一早 起身再冇天天變高
Suddenly tomorrow morning, waking up and no longer getting taller every day
You're no longer a child
一切會變 變到點
Everything will change, how will it change
心態會變 冇笑點
Your attitude will change, no sense of humor
哭了兩遍 禿了髮線
Cried twice, balding
Say goodbye to the past
When did you start to find out that you've grown up
Your mother nags too much, you help her and persevere
冇道理嘅説話 發爛渣嘅責罵
Unreasonable words, no less scolding
你都敷愆吓 你會諗鬼叫佢係你阿媽
You acquiesce, you think to yourself, it's your mother
When did you start to find out that you've gotten a little old
Thinking of going for a run, and tying your shoelaces, there seems to be some difficulty
In the past, you were a handsome guy, running around the mountains, shouting all over the place
Now you've been smoking for decades and you're reluctant to quit, your alveoli are almost gone
When did you start to find out that you're starting to mature
That's when you find that you can accept your boss's insult
無論政局 幾動盪 你會選擇退縮
No matter how turbulent the political situation is, you choose to back down
其餘乜都唔驚 你淨係最驚稅局
Nothing else scares you, you're only most afraid of the tax bureau
When did you start to find out that you've become an adult
That's when you do something wrong and the first thing you do is blame others
你冇做到個壞人 但係做咗你細個最唔想成爲嘅
You didn't become a bad person, but you did become the kind of adult you least wanted to be when you were young
That kind of adult
In fact, one day you discover you're at a certain age
In fact, you'll say it's so fast so fast so old
青春多好 容顏太快變老
Youth is so good, your face ages too quickly
原來聽朝一早 起身再冇天天變高
Suddenly tomorrow morning, waking up and no longer getting taller every day
You're no longer a child
一切會變 變到點
Everything will change, how will it change
心態會變 冇笑點
Your attitude will change, no sense of humor
哭了兩遍 禿了髮線
Cried twice, balding
Say goodbye to the past
When did you start to find out that you're already grown up
球賽你好少參與 主要係買多
You rarely participate in football games, mainly because you buy more
仲邊有晨早流流 起身落球場射波
Who still gets up early and goes to the stadium to shoot hoops
頂隆係第朝返工起唔到身 咁先至射波
It's simply that you're so tired from work the next day that you can't get up, that's when you shoot hoops
幾時先算 成熟嘅一刻 以前你最自豪
When can you be considered, a mature moment, in the past you were most proud of
隨身一疊閃卡 今日你最羡慕
Carrying a stack of flash cards, today you envy the most
人地銀包張黑卡 你每日無諗乜嘢淨係諗發達
Other people's wallets have black cards, all you think about every day is getting rich
幾時先發現自己已經老咗 識左好多人
When did you start to find out that you're already old, you know a lot of people
但好多舊朋友都冇咗 聯絡 晚飯直落
But many old friends have lost touch, dinner straight down
日日都咁寂寞 撞返舊同學 你突然 好想返學
So lonely every day, bumping into an old classmate, you suddenly want to go back to school
總係對某人有說話未曾講 總係想問佢這刹那在何方以前仲係細路
Always have something to say to someone that you never said, always want to ask him where he is at this moment, before when you were still a child
相信將來乜都做到 原來一啲特別都冇 只係 青春倒數
Believing that you can do anything in the future, it turns out that there is nothing special, just youth counting down
In fact, one day you discover you're at a certain age
In fact, you'll say it's so fast so fast so old
青春多好 容顏太快變老
Youth is so good, your face ages too quickly
原來聽朝一早 起身再冇天天變高
Suddenly tomorrow morning, waking up and no longer getting taller every day
You're no longer a child
一切會變 變到點
Everything will change, how will it change
心態會變 冇笑點
Your attitude will change, no sense of humor
哭了兩遍 禿了髮線
Cried twice, balding
Say goodbye to the past
In fact, one day you discover you're at a certain age
In fact, you'll say it's so fast so fast so old
青春多好 容顏太快變老
Youth is so good, your face ages too quickly
原來聽朝一早 起身再冇天天變高
Suddenly tomorrow morning, waking up and no longer getting taller every day
唔再係細路 (要開始供養父母)
You're no longer a child (time to start providing for your parents)
難一世不老 (要開始懂得苦惱)
You find it hard to stay young forever (need to start learning how to worry)
You're no longer a child
一切會變 變到點
Everything will change, how will it change
心態會變 冇笑點
Your attitude will change, no sense of humor
哭了兩遍 禿了髮線
Cried twice, balding
Say goodbye to the past
蝦仔你乖乖 快快脆
Baby, be good, grow up quickly
(Grow up)
冇個個讚你乖 歡樂嘅時光過得
Not everyone will praise you for being good, the happy time passes by
(Really fast)
It's time to say to everyone
(Bye Bye)
(Bye Bye)

Авторы: Fu Nong, Kwan C

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