農夫 - 錢買不到的東西 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский 農夫 - 錢買不到的東西

Things Money Can't Buy
總係 有好多人認為
There are always many people who believe
呢個世界上仲係 有錢買不到的東西
There are still things in this world that money can't buy
錢買唔到愛 錢買唔到健康
Money can't buy love, money can't buy health
錢買唔到快樂 錢買唔到智慧
Money can't buy happiness, money can't buy wisdom
買唔到親情友情愛情 剩剩剩
Can't buy family, friendship, love, left and right
無論你戶口有幾多個 零零零
No matter how many Zeros in your account
錢唔係萬能 錢唔係萬能
Money is not omnipotent, money is not omnipotent
錢唔係萬能 錢唔係萬能
Money is not omnipotent, money is not omnipotent
盤古 到最近 千萬人 信緊
From Pangu to the most recent, millions of people believe
錢唔係萬能 錢唔係萬能
Money is not omnipotent, money is not omnipotent
What 俗語有云 寸金難買寸光陰
What? As a common saying goes, an inch of gold is hard to buy an inch of time
Ha 等等 你諗深多一層 咁乜嘢係時薪
Ha, wait, you think about it deeply, then what is the hourly wage
That is, some people use money to buy most of your time and life
錢作怪 連時間都可以買
Money is weird, even time can be bought
錢惡晒 呢個世界
Money is the worst, this world
簽證 特快 加錢 就得
Visa, express, pay more, and it's done
特別通道 大把錢 走得
Special channel, lots of money, go
早兩個鐘去 check in
Go to check in two hours earlier
He has already arrived at the hotel on a private plane
交通 移民 上網條寬頻線
Transportation, immigration, broadband Internet
想快 通通 加錢 搞掂
Want fast, just add money, done
Money can't buy love
貧賤 夫妻百事哀
A poor couple will be filled with endless sorrows
冇咗 LV love 係乜
What is love without LV?
淨低 OE 兩個字 好似 有啲缺失
Only the two letters OE are left, there seems to be something missing
你介意我用錢 去侮辱個愛字
You mind me using money to insult this word love
但係冇女士會介意 愛多個愛馬仕
But no women would refuse to have love and Hermes
Money, honey 咪同我講呢啲
Money, honey, don't talk to me like that
你介意嫁個馬主 定嫁個乞兒
Do you mind marrying a horse owner or a beggar?
Don't use money to bribe people's hearts
Borrowing less is enough to maintain relationships
嗰啲所謂兄弟 淨係識傾計
Those so-called brothers only know how to talk
Only those who are willing to spend money will experience the true meaning of friendship
No need to make a pact
Instantly gained a sworn brother
Only more and more expensive
Tell me what money can't buy
錢買唔到愛 錢買唔到健康
Money can't buy love, money can't buy health
錢買唔到快樂 錢買唔到智慧
Money can't buy happiness, money can't buy wisdom
買唔到親情友情愛情 剩剩剩
Can't buy family, friendship, love, left and right
無論你戶口有幾多個 零零零
No matter how many Zeros in your account
錢唔係萬能 錢唔係萬能
Money is not omnipotent, money is not omnipotent
錢唔係萬能 錢唔係萬能
Money is not omnipotent, money is not omnipotent
信嘅人係天真 定係豬扮人
Those who believe it are naive or pretending to be a fool
凡人 你想操控萬民
Mortal, you want to control all people
成為有錢人 就有資格扮神
Become a rich man and you will be qualified to be a god
幾十億人 幾十億個陌生人
Billions of people, billions of strangers
Sacrifice their time to serve others' food, clothing, housing and transportation
為乜要咁 係愛定係責任
Why do it, is it love or responsibility
係錢 係錢 係錢令到個世界運行
It's money, money, money that makes the world go round
唔好咁天真 農民耕耘唔係驚你餓親
Don't be so naive, farmers work not to make you hungry
發動戰爭 唔係要拯救萬民
Waging war is not to save all people
係要 money, money
It's to get money, money
Money, money, money
Money, money, money
Money, money, money
Money, money, money
Money, money, money
Money, money, money
垂死嘅屋企人 貴到死嘅藥用品
Expensive medicine for dying family members
值得俾 你食得起 可以叫死神等一陣
Worth giving you something to eat, so you can tell the god of death to wait a while
如果佢提早過身 係你俾唔起診金
If he dies early, it's because you can't afford the medical expenses
You are the one who kills him indirectly
If the next generation has no future, he can't blame others
Blame his parents directly
Can't give him money to be a rich man's child or an overseas student near him
原本可能 係未來總統嘅重臣
Originally, he might be a minister of the future president
而家因為你無能 佢做終生嘅窮人
But now because of your incompetence, he will be a poor person all his life
現實係殘忍 唯有扮盲咁
Reality is cruel, so just pretend to be blind
繼續自欺欺人 我哋窮又窮得開心
Continue to deceive ourselves, we are poor and happy
Money, money, is not omnipotent
錢唔係萬能 錢唔係萬能
Money is not omnipotent, money is not omnipotent
信嘅人係天真 定係豬扮人
Those who believe it are naive or pretending to be a fool
凡人 你想操控萬民
Mortal, you want to control all people
成為有錢人 就有資格扮神
Become a rich man and you will be qualified to be a god
錢唔係萬能 錢唔係萬能
Money is not omnipotent, money is not omnipotent
信嘅人係天真 定係豬扮人
Those who believe it are naive or pretending to be a fool
凡人 你想操控萬民
Mortal, you want to control all people
成為有錢人 就有資格扮神
Become a rich man and you will be qualified to be a god

Авторы: C Kwan

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