達明一派 - 爱色 - перевод текста песни на английский

爱色 - 達明一派перевод на английский

Colors of Love
(白)你话系咪咁 潇潇洒洒简简单单
So you say are you so carefree and easy-going
定系疯疯癫癫 抑或其实我地爱的太过肤浅
Or are you crazy, or do we in fact love too superficially
辗辗转转反反复复 如果唔系咁
Thinking and rethinking repeatedly If it's not like this
可以点 无理由搞到要遮遮掩掩
There's no reason to act so sneaky and shady
开开心心不是爱吗 辛辛苦苦不算爱吗
Isn't it love to be happy and carefree? Isn't it love to work hard and try?
How could something so real become so fake?
飘飘忽忽不似爱吗 清清楚楚可算爱吗
Isn't it love to be light and airy? Isn't it love to be crystal clear?
To say I'll miss you my whole life, would that be too fake?
如若我是黄你是蓝 碰上又变青 全没有旧个性
If I'm yellow and you're blue, and when we collide we turn green, neither of us are ourselves
如若我是蓝你是红 永远在变色 谁愿意被固定
If I'm blue and you're red, always changing color, who'd want to be set in their ways?
谁是你我懒辨认 无论我正爱着你 还是你正爱着我
Who are you? I can't be bothered to tell, no matter if I'm in love with you, or if you're in love with me
如若世界有日褪色 也未抹掉
If one day the world fades out, it won't erase
Oh No Oh No 你或我永远的黑眼睛
Oh no, oh no, you or I forever, black eyes
潇潇洒洒不是爱吗 生生死死先算爱吗
Isn't it love to be carefree and easy-going? Only love in life and death?
Only love that's crazy is love that will be beautiful?
简简单单不是爱吗 辗辗转转先算爱吗
Isn't it love to be simple and easy? Only love if it's hard and complicated?
Would love only be happy if you're always thinking about it?
(遮遮掩掩不算爱吗 光光彩彩先算爱吗)
(Isn't love when you're sneaky and shady? Only love if you're out in the open?)
容貌现在是黄色 情欲现在是红色
Beauty is now yellow, desire is now red
(灰灰黑黑不太好吗 缤缤纷纷先刺激吗)
(Wouldn't it be better if it was dark and gray? More exciting if it was bright and colorful?)
情调现在是蓝色 回味旧日没颜色
Memories are now blue, they have no color like they used to
(Wouldn't it be breathtaking if they were light and dark?)
如若我是黄你是蓝 碰上又变青 全没有旧个性
If I'm yellow and you're blue, and when we collide we turn green, neither of us are ourselves
如若我是蓝你是红 永远在变色 谁愿意被固定
If I'm blue and you're red, always changing color, who'd want to be set in their ways?
谁是你我懒辨认 无论我正爱着你 还是你正爱着我
Who are you? I can't be bothered to tell, no matter if I'm in love with you, or if you're in love with me
从没有爱似白与黑 错或正
Love has never been like black and white, wrong or right
OH NO OH NO 老是永远有些不对称
Oh no, oh no, there's always been something slightly off
谁是你我懒辨认 无论我正爱着你 还是你正爱着我
Who are you? I can't be bothered to tell, no matter if I'm in love with you, or if you're in love with me
从没有爱似白与黑 错或正 (黑与白)
Love has never been like black and white, wrong or right (black and white)
OH NO OH NO 老是永远有些不对称
Oh no, oh no, there's always been something slightly off
潇潇洒洒不是爱吗 生生死死先算爱吗
Isn't it love to be carefree and easy-going? Only love in life and death?
Editor - Jason

達明一派 - compilation

1 247
2 爱上你
3 漩涡
4 溜走的激情
5 溜冰�族
6 溜冰滚族('88 Remix)
7 沒有張揚的命案
8 每日一禁果
9 每天爱你多一些
10 月黑风高(蛾摩拉)
11 月黑风高(所多玛)
12 最好的爱煞人武器
13 最佳朋友
14 晚节不保
15 是我有错吗
16 春光乍泄
17 无风的秋季
18 排名不分先后左右忠奸 (New Version)
19 我这么容易爱人
20 我爱你
21 爱在瘟疫蔓延时
22 我有两个
23 爱弥留
24 爱的作弄
25 马路天使(国语)
26 马路天使 (国语版)
27 青春残酷物语
28 长征
29 那个下午我在旧居烧信
30 达明一派对
31 诸神的黄昏
32 讲野
33 血色蔷薇
34 美好新世界
35 美丽的谎言(国)
36 美丽的谎言
37 继续追寻
38 神奇女侠
39 石头记(精雕细刻版)
40 皇后大盗
41 甜美生活 (�������)
42 甜美生活
43 爱色
44 爱煞
45 惑星
46 情流夜中环
47 情探
48 你你我我
49 伤逝
50 今夜星光灿烂之夜未央
51 今夜星光灿烂之舞照跳
52 人鬼兽
54 下一站天国
55 上路
56 上海滩龙虎斗
57 万般情
58 万人迷(国)
59 一额汗
60 一夜情
61 一二三上海滩:上海滩
62 一个夏雨天
63 一个人在途上
64 Viva La Diva
65 Kiss Me Goodbye
66 God Save The Queen
67 你情我愿
68 你还爱我吗
69 光天化日
70 六月和十二月
71 恐怖分子
72 恐怖份子
73 快乐牛郎
74 忘记他是她
75 心中的雪山
76 开口梦
77 崩裂之日月无光版
78 崩裂
79 尽在今夜
80 �人迷
81 寂寞的人有福了
82 大亚湾之恋
83 围墙
84 四季交易会
85 命贱
86 味道
87 后窗
88 同床异梦
89 口吃
90 南方舞厅
91 大亚湾之恋之尘埃落定

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