鄭源 - 低頭族 - перевод текста песни на английский

低頭族 - 鄭源перевод на английский

Smartphone Tribe
手机拍照拍成了专业户 各种程式滚瓜又烂熟
My smartphone camera made me a pro, I'm fluent in all sorts of filters and apps
有人疯狂炫富 歌颂孤独 没人真的羡慕 用心记住
Some flaunt their wealth, sing of loneliness, no one's really jealous, remember that
手中的真真假假太模糊 何必沉沦冰冷的虚无
The virtual and the real are too blurry, why drown in cold nothingness
谁相信用微笑掩饰的歹毒 对善良的眼泪却不屑一顾
Who'd believe that smile hides evil? And you look down on tears of kindness
全世界成了低头族 人在一起心在别处
The whole world's become a smartphone tribe, physically together but hearts elsewhere
就算赢来万众瞩目 还不如拥抱的温度
Even if you win everyone's attention, it's not as good as the warmth of an embrace
请不要再做低头族 让目光跳出那三寸屏幕
Please don't be a smartphone zombie, let your eyes escape that three-inch screen
There's so much more to pursue, things that can satisfy without plugging in
全世界成低头族 让我觉得好愤怒
The whole world's become a smartphone tribe, it makes me so angry
低下头要有个度 久了脖子会很痛苦
There are limits to bowing your head, your neck will hurt if you do it for too long
什么时候变得冷酷 一颗心变得麻木
When did you become so cold and hard-hearted?
躲开那些彷徨无助 视而不见 穷途末路
Ignoring those lost and helpless souls, turning a blind eye to their plight
可否别再做低头族 别再用沉默装糊涂
Can you stop being a smartphone zombie? Stop pretending not to see with your silence
可否说出心中的在乎 好好领略拥抱的温度
Can you express your feelings? Cherish the warmth of an embrace
可否别再做低头族 别再对他视若无睹
Can you stop being a smartphone zombie? Stop ignoring him/her
给些帮助 再多些帮助 让我们收获更真的幸福
Offer a helping hand, a little more help, and we'll find truer happiness

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