鄭融 - 13樓的大笨象 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский 鄭融 - 13樓的大笨象

The Clumsy Elephant in the 13th Floor
原諒最差 女主角
Forgive the worst leading lady
難共你合演 這套愛的傑作
It's hard to act with you in this masterpiece of love
This scene in the hall
Let's turn up the music
大抵很怕講 我們沒有感覺
We're too afraid to talk about our lack of feeling
情願各自找 個死角
We'd rather each find a corner
逃避去認清 跟你無復快樂
Avoid acknowledging that we're no longer happy
因此分手 太刻薄
It's too harsh to break up
We might as well pretend not to know
也每日同處 假天國
And live in this fake paradise every day
為何人傾向 做什麼都要一雙
Why do people tend to do everything in pairs?
明明難忍到 多一刻 也不舒暢
It's hard to bear even a moment longer.
現在家中 有匹象
There is an elephant in the house now
在廳的 正中央
Right in the middle of the hall
是否都要將那 門閤上
Should we close the door?
為何殘忍到 受盡委曲也一雙
Why are we so cruel that we suffer together in pairs?
無聊人生裡 湊夠兩人才歡暢
In this boring life, we need two people to be happy
寂寞好比 有匹象
Loneliness is like an elephant
在心的 正中央
Right in the middle of my heart
Should we take care of it?
其實每天 放工了
In fact, every day after work
還未夠十點 都去喝酒談笑
We go out drinking and chatting until past 10 pm
悶在家中 散不掉
It's depressing at home. We can't get rid of it.
幸福中 那單調
The monotony in our happiness.
是否跟你的 那場熱戀死了
Is it because our passionate love affair has died?
談論上木星 那機票
We talk about a plane ticket to Jupiter
談論哪棟樓 一呎能值兩兆
We talk about which building is worth 2 trillion per square foot
應否分開 那關鍵
Should we separate, that's the key
But we both pretend not to know
這個話題最 不緊要 Ho
That topic is the least important, darling
為何人傾向 做什麼都要一雙
Why do people tend to do everything in pairs?
明明難忍到 多一刻 也不舒暢
It's hard to bear even a moment longer.
現在家中 有匹象
There is an elephant in the house now
在廳的 正中央
Right in the middle of the hall
是否都要將那 門閤上
Should we close the door?
為何殘忍到 受盡委曲也一雙
Why are we so cruel that we suffer together in pairs?
無聊人生裡 湊夠兩人才歡暢
In this boring life, we need two people to be happy
寂寞好比 一匹象
Loneliness is like an elephant
在心的 正中央
Right in the middle of my heart
Should we take care of it?
假想中 爽快地開槍
I imagine shooting him with a gun
該死的 戀愛成絕唱
Damn it, our love affair has come to an end
多麼想 不愛就不愛
I wish I could just stop loving you
趕快 找個 後補 頂上
Find a replacement for you
多麼想 英勇受點傷
I wish I could be brave and get hurt
一筆清 所有呆壞帳
Clear all your debts
更大錯事 正在醞釀
A bigger mistake is brewing
為何人蠢到 做什麼都要一雙
Why are people so stupid that they do everything in pairs?
明明離譜到 彼此跟 對方不上
It's ridiculous, we don't match each other at all.
就是家中 有匹象
There is an elephant in the house
We are all afraid to speak up
硬把安慰獎當 成大獎
We insist on taking consolation prizes as grand prizes
為何殘忍到 受盡委曲也一雙
Why are we so cruel that we suffer together in pairs?
無聊人生裡 湊夠兩人才歡暢
In this boring life, we need two people to be happy
寂寞好比 有匹象
Loneliness is like an elephant
在心的 正中央
Right in the middle of my heart
Should we take care of it?
你我之間 那匹象
The elephant between us
若早些說穿牠 就早些去休養
If we had told him sooner, he would have gone to rest sooner.

Авторы: @ Dear Jane Howie, Wy Man Wong

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