鄭融 - 多喝水 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский 鄭融 - 多喝水

Drink More Water
狂流吧 汗和淚 純屬水份
Let it all flow, sweat and tears, they're just water
你是人 所以需要 澎湃愛恨
You're human, so you need, overwhelming love and hate
淋漓盡致 卻未夠感動人
Drenched to the bone, but not enough to move anyone
抽乾身心 始終輸給某君
Draining your body and mind, you'll always lose to that person
昂然地 扮成熟 承受不幸
Act mature, composed, endure misfortune with pride
以便能 將錯的愛 研製養份
So that you can turn the wrong kind of love into nutrients
如能做到 吻別你的敵人
If you can manage to, kiss your enemy goodbye
乾一杯水 補充些新血 才熱吻
Have a glass of water, replenish your blood, then kiss passionately
You have to be strong to get through this
還未醒 請去潑冷水
If you're not awake yet, go splash yourself with cold water
全日都 只喝眼淚 怎夠眼淚
If all you drink all day are tears, how will you have enough tears?
汗顏 才更累
It's embarrassing, and it only makes you more tired
You have to live long to get through this
痊癒中 應該多喝水
While you're healing, you should drink more water
還未結局 原地康復
The ending is yet to come, recover where you are
誰話 幸福那一天 回不去
Who says we can't go back to that happy day?
若這天 講到他 還是死穴
If talking about him on this day is still your weakness
愛共仇 不去解決 還會作孽
If you just hate him and don't try to resolve it, it will only lead to more suffering
為時未晚 怨毒每天清潔
It's not too late, cleanse your resentment every day
飲多杯水 衝開心底那 蝴蝶結
Drink more water, wash away the butterfly knot in your heart
You have to be strong to get through this
還未醒 請去潑冷水
If you're not awake yet, go splash yourself with cold water
全日都 只喝眼淚 怎夠眼淚
If all you drink all day are tears, how will you have enough tears?
汗顏 才更累
It's embarrassing, and it only makes you more tired
You have to live long to get through this
痊癒中 應該多喝水
While you're healing, you should drink more water
還未結局 原地康復
The ending is yet to come, recover where you are
誰話 幸福那一天 回不去
Who says we can't go back to that happy day?
愛侶沒有了 世界像廢墟
Without your lover, the world feels like ruins
休息喝點水 再發力去追
Take a break, drink some water, then summon your strength to pursue
剩下 汗血有用 先奮勇後退
The blood and sweat left behind are useful, advance bravely, then retreat
生命 以後有著 各種爭取
Life has many battles yet to come
若時辰未到 明天~去
If the time is not right, tomorrow- go
Woo ~
You have to be strong to get through this
柔弱的 加固你脊椎
For the weak, strengthen your spine
無謂將 一殼眼淚 栽種眼淚
Don't waste your tears, plant tears
Self-pity is a sin
You have to live long to get through this
尋夢者 應該多喝水
For those seeking dreams, you should drink more water
還在渴望 人就不累
As long as you still have hope, you won't get tired
誰被 逐出了伊甸 回不去
Who has been cast out of Eden and cannot return?

Авторы: Howie @dear Jane, 黃偉文

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