銀臨 - 灼 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский 銀臨 - 灼

瓦礫生出的花朵 被火吞沒 來不及凋落
Flowers born from rubble consumed by fire, No time to wither
侵蝕的蒼穹輪廓 鏽跡斑駁 藏匿起群星線索
Corroded outlines of the heavens, Rusting stains hide the clues of the stars
紅的雨 在燒灼
Red rain, scorching
Nowhere to hide
聲嘶力竭 向悲泣的虛空
Hoarsely, I call out to the weeping void
Praying until the end
神為何 依然殘酷冷漠
Why, O god, are you still so cruelly indifferent?
天國或地獄 也奢求 你無垢眼眸
Heaven or hell, I also beg for your pure eyes
就讓我 再次被你拯救
Let me be saved by you again
屈從命運的人偶 神色空洞 牆角下蜷縮
A puppet resigned to fate, Eyes empty, huddled in the corner
宇宙陷入了沉默 無聲顫抖 黎明請將它溫熱
The universe has fallen silent, Trembling soundlessly, Dawn, please warm it
紅的夜 在燒灼
Red night, scorching
Almost sinking
傷痕累累 滿是淚水的手 已不再孱弱
Bruised and tear-stained, my hands are no longer weak
神為何 要將一切奪走
Why, O god, must you take everything?
日月同星辰 都隕落 時間的盡頭
The sun, moon, and stars all fall, The end of time
就讓我 再次被你拯救
Let me be saved by you again
聲嘶力竭 向悲泣的虛空 祈禱至最後
Hoarsely, I call out to the weeping void, Praying until the end
神為何 依然殘酷冷漠
Why, O god, are you still so cruelly indifferent?
天國或地獄 也奢求 你無垢眼眸
Heaven or hell, I also beg for your pure eyes
就讓我 再次被你拯救
Let me be saved by you again

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