OK, so we finally parted with animosity. I don’t expect to be this cruel, telling you to move on and never look back.
走 今生不想再見你 應該只得這最差的人 只會 對你使出這種口吻
Leave, I don’t want to see you again in this life. I should be the worst person, using only this tone towards you.
如果分手沒痛楚 我怕你 到永遠 也會等我
If there were no pain in the breakup, I’m afraid you’d wait for me forever.
如果今天起憎我 仇恨我 歧視我 明日你會更易再愛人
If you start to hate me, loath me, and discriminate against me from today, you’d be able to love again more easily tomorrow.
平伏這個美麗心魔 餘生可以好好過
To subdue this beautiful, frightful demon, you can live a good life in the future.
如果忍不住痛楚 當我錯 當我錯 會更好過
If you can’t stand the pain, consider me at fault. It will be better.
如果必須想起我 仇恨我 歧視我 懷念過去快樂太折磨
If you must think of me, hate me, loathe me, and discriminate against me, it'll be too painful to miss the happiness we had.
無謂美化昨日戀歌 拿報復者的決心 活得好更多
There’s no need to beautify yesterday’s love song. Gain the determination of an avenger to live a better life.
走 雖講得於心有愧 拖拖拉拉 怕你放不低 我說 要散 各散最東西
Leave. Although to do so with a guilty conscience is heartless. I fear you would be sad, and said we should leave each other. I said we should split up and go our separate ways.
分 必須分得夠徹底 一早都知你愛得執迷 要你 怨我 只好靠一心計
To split, we must do so absolutely. I’ve always known that you loved with such persistence. To make you resent me, I will have to resort to a plan.
如果分手沒痛楚 我怕你 到永遠 也會等我
If there were no pain in the breakup, I’m afraid you’d wait for me forever.
如果今天起憎我 仇恨我 歧視我 明日你會更易再愛人
If you start to hate me, loath me, and discriminate against me from today, you’d be able to love again more easily tomorrow.
平伏這個美麗心魔 餘生可以好好過
To subdue this beautiful, frightful demon, you can live a good life in the future.
如果忍不住痛楚 當我錯 當我錯 會更好過
If you can’t stand the pain, consider me at fault. It will be better.
如果必須想起我 仇恨我 歧視我 懷恨過去快樂太折磨
If you must think of me, hate me, loathe me, and discriminate against me, it'll be too painful to miss the happiness we had.
無謂美化昨日戀歌 拿報復者的決心 活得好更多
There’s no need to beautify yesterday’s love song. Gain the determination of an avenger to live a better life.
好 終於都不歡散去 真想不到我會這麼狠
OK, so we finally parted with animosity. I don’t expect to be this cruel.
叫你 對我 永遠也死心 走走走
Telling you to move on and never look back. Leave, GO!
今生不想再見你 應該只得這最差的人
I don’t want to see you again in this life. I should be the worst person,
只會 對你使出這種口吻
Using only this tone towards you.
如果分手沒痛楚 我怕你 到永遠 也會等我
If there were no pain in the breakup, I’m afraid you’d wait for me forever.
如果今天起憎我 仇恨我 歧視我 明日你會更易再愛人
If you start to hate me, loath me, and discriminate against me from today, you’d be able to love again more easily tomorrow.
平伏這個美麗心魔 路邊相見不識我
To subdue this beautiful, frightful demon, we wouldn’t recognize each other if we passed each other in the street.
如果忍得住痛楚 當我錯 當我錯 會更好過
If you can’t stand the pain, consider me at fault. It will be better.
如果必須想起我 仇恨我 歧視我 懷恨過去快樂太折磨
If you must think of me, hate me, loathe me, and discriminate against me, it'll be too painful to miss the happiness we had.
如若要記記住坎坷 離去後不必記得 我說過愛你最多 oh...
If you must remember the hardships, after you leave, no need to remember that I said I love you the most, oh...
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