陶喆 - 真愛等一下 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский 陶喆 - 真愛等一下

Real Love, Wait a Minute
週末守著烤箱 情人節也落單
I spend my weekends babysitting an oven, and I'm single on Valentine's Day.
紅色炸彈一波一波轟炸 你怎麼還不緊張
The red bombs keep exploding, but you're not fazed.
偏愛年輕女伴 熟女讓你壓力大
You have a thing for young ladies, mature women stress you out.
資深的高富帥還不成家 何時想戒掉流浪
You're a successful, wealthy bachelor, when will you give up the wandering life?
會不會世界只剩下我們 絕對不是行情太差
We might be the only ones left in the world, it's not like the market is bad.
唱情歌唱到像顧問一樣 為何單身卻沒解答
I give relationship advice in my songs, but why am I still single?
我相信關於幸福的疑問 會得到滿意的回答
I know the answers to those happiness questions will come.
我會在人群中静静觀察 叫真愛等我一下
I'll keep looking, real love, wait a minute.
是你標準太高 還是都宅在家
Are your standards too high? Or do you just stay home all the time?
身邊朋友已經抱著娃娃 你還在抱著你的吉他
Your friends are cradling babies, and you're still clutching your guitar.
事業做得太大 卻天天孤單回到家
You're a workaholic, but you come home to an empty house every night.
多少人唱今天要嫁给他 何時輪你當新郎
So many people are singing about marrying him, when will it be your turn?
會不會世界只剩下我們 絕對不是行情太差
We might be the only ones left in the world, it's not like the market is bad.
唱情歌唱到像顧問一樣 為何單身卻沒解答
I give relationship advice in my songs, but why am I still single?
我相信關於幸福的疑問 會得到滿意的回答
I know the answers to those happiness questions will come.
我會在人群中静静觀察 叫真愛等我一下
I'll keep looking, real love, wait a minute.
我知道 我也知道
I know it, I know it.
保持樂觀 著急不來
I'll stay positive, I won't rush it.
就陪我 你也陪我
Be with me, stay with me,
發發牢騷 互虧一下
Let me vent, we can tease each other.
有一天 未來某天
Someday, in the future,
真的遇到 誰運氣好
When we find someone, who will be lucky?
Please help me check if he or she is good enough.
我期待幸福會眷顧我們 一定有人懂得欣賞
I believe happiness will find us, someone will appreciate us.
愛情裡沒有人會是專家 我願意慢慢去研究它
No one is an expert in love, I'm willing to take my time and learn.
對的人總會有那麼一個 反正誰也搶不走他
There's always that right person, no one can take him or her away.
我會用平常心不慌不忙 請真愛再等我一下
I'll be patient, I won't panic, real love, wait a minute.
我期待幸福會眷顧我們 一定有人懂得欣賞
I believe happiness will find us, someone will appreciate us.
愛情裡沒有人會是專家 我願意慢慢研究它
No one is an expert in love, I'm willing to take my time.
對的人總會有那麼一個 反正誰也搶不走他
There's always that right person, no one can take him or her away.
I'll be patient, I won't panic.

Авторы: David Tao Zhe, Tanya Chua, Da Wei Ge

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