韋禮安 - Treasure Island - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский 韋禮安 - Treasure Island

Treasure Island
Treasure Island
Opening my eyes, I take stock of this foreign land.
Rotting planks carried me ashore, beached upon this sand.
Coconut trees bring only hazy memories of old,
Chasing the treasure marked upon the map.
I look up and see a face wrinkled with age.
Hollow eyes, a gaunt frame, and hair silvered with sage.
腰上繫著骷髏 脖子上寶石成雙
A skull upon his hip, his neck adorned with gems in pairs,
藍綠黃 閃著光芒
Blue, green, yellow, they glitter.
樹林裡的村莊 出乎意料得空蕩
A village in the forest, surprisingly empty and bare.
匕首抵在我背上 忽然聽他低聲唱
A dagger pressed against my back, and then a whisper in the air.
He whispers to me,
穿金 戴銀 腳踩著屍體
Robbed in gold, Adorned in silver, Treading upon corpses.
他說雙手越血腥 銅臭味就越可愛
He says, "The bloodier your hands, the sweeter the stench of copper."
仔細 傾聽 讓我 告訴你
Listen closely, Let me tell you,
這座島嶼是個陷阱 進得去你出不來
This island is a trap. You can get in, but you cannot leave.
He calls himself a shipwrecked captain, marooned here for years,
Sailing the seas, searching for something, just like me it appears.
Lost and adrift, we stumbled upon the paradise marked on the map,
Inhabited by Eve and Adam.
黑色頭髮 褐色皮膚 紅色的心臟
Black hair, brown skin, red hearts,
銀色髮箍 金色廚具 友善的村莊
Silver headbands and golden cookware in a friendly village.
He repaid their kindness with the burning lust in his eyes,
Committing deeds that soiled his soul.
他身上絢麗的光芒 比不上眼裡的淚光
The vibrant gems upon his body cannot outshine the tears in his eyes.
利刃塞到我手上 求你大發慈悲 解救我惡夢一場
He thrusts a sharp knife into my hand, begging for my mercy, to end his nightmare.
穿金 戴銀 腳踩著屍體
Robbed in gold, Adorned in silver, Treading upon corpses.
他說(我的)雙手越血腥 銅臭味就越可愛
He says, "My hands are stained with blood, the stench of copper so sweet."
仔細 傾聽 讓我 告訴你
Listen closely, Let me tell you,
這座島嶼是個陷阱 進得去你出不來
This island is a trap. You can get in, but you cannot leave.
穿金 戴銀 腳踩著屍體
Robbed in gold, Adorned in silver, Treading upon corpses.
我的雙手越血腥 銅臭味就越可愛
My hands are stained with blood, the stench of copper so sweet.
虛度 光陰 終於我清醒
Wasting time, I finally see the truth,
這座島嶼是個陷阱 進得去你出不來
This island is a trap. You can get in, but you cannot leave.
這座島嶼是個陷阱 進得去我出不來
This island is a trap. I can get in, but I cannot leave.
這座島嶼是個陷阱 進得去我出不來
This island is a trap. I can get in, but I cannot leave.

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