韓森 - 我在上班的時候寫歌 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский 韓森 - 我在上班的時候寫歌

Writing Songs at Work
一邊排隊買早餐 一邊打哈欠
Yawning while I wait in line for breakfast
一定要最後一分鐘才打卡 剛好壓線
Clocking in at the last minute, just on time
坐下看個FB 找朋友聊一下天
Sitting down, checking Facebook, chatting with friends
前提是掌握老闆行程 才不會被發現
Making sure the boss isn't around, to avoid being caught
我打開郵件 然後點來點去點來點去
I open my emails and click around, click around, click around
星期一症候群 到星期四還沒痊癒
Monday blues still lingering on Thursday
吃完早餐 然後再去泡杯咖啡
Finishing breakfast, then making a cup of coffee
看看時間 才十點半 就覺得好累
Checking the time, it's only 10:30, but I already feel tired
我坐在馬桶上睡覺 睡了四十分鐘
I fall asleep on the toilet for forty minutes
把報告傳給同事 說我們要適時分工
Sending the report to my colleague, saying we need to divide the work
主管面前 我跟同事聊KPI
In front of the supervisor, we discuss KPIs
During lunch, we gossip about which manager is the biggest jerk
下午睡醒 準備迎接新的挑戰
Waking up in the afternoon, ready for new challenges
When the company internet is down, I play Solitaire
瞬間切換視窗 團購要及時下單
Switching windows instantly to place a group order
又是忙碌的一天 現在我要下班
Another busy day, and now it's time to leave
Don't tell my boss
拜託 不要告訴我老闆
Please, don't tell my boss
拜託 不要告訴我老闆
Please, don't tell my boss
He doesn't think highly of me anymore
拜託 不要告訴我老闆
Please, don't tell my boss
拜託 不要告訴我老闆
Please, don't tell my boss
拜託 不要告訴我老闆
Please, don't tell my boss
Or I'll be working overtime until late
I'm writing songs at work
Thinking about our date after work, should we go to East District or North Station?
還是板橋吃鴨腿呢 因為離妳家近
Or maybe Banqiao for duck leg, since it's closer to your place
開會一邊做會議紀錄 我一邊押韻
Taking meeting minutes while I rhyme
Texting you about the dream I had last night
表情嚴肅 像在處理重要的事
My face serious, like I'm dealing with something important
跟妳說開會好無聊 一邊看未讀通知
Telling you how boring the meeting is, while checking unread notifications
一邊 Diss坐在另一邊 的同事
Dissing the colleague sitting across from me
但是 下禮拜準備去出差 兩個星期
But next week, I'm going on a business trip for two weeks
妳說妳會很想很想我 想的心急
You say you'll miss me terribly, miss me anxiously
而我即將離鄉背井 啟航飛向西方
And I'm about to leave home, setting sail for the West
多麼希望 機場可 以將妳裝進行李箱
How I wish I could pack you in my suitcase at the airport
而我在異鄉 拿起一張信紙
And in a foreign land, I pick up a piece of paper
上面寫著一行歌詞 一雙韻腳
With a line of lyrics, a pair of rhymes
And your address
寫了一整天 寫到眼睛好痠
Writing all day, until my eyes are sore
又是忙碌的一天 現在我要下班
Another busy day, and now it's time to leave
Don't tell my boss
拜託 不要告訴我老闆
Please, don't tell my boss
拜託 不要告訴我老闆
Please, don't tell my boss
He doesn't think highly of me anymore
拜託 不要告訴我老闆
Please, don't tell my boss
拜託 不要告訴我老闆
Please, don't tell my boss
拜託 不要告訴我老闆
Please, don't tell my boss
Or I'll be working overtime until late
I can't finish writing songs at work
I want to go out and play at work
Thinking about where to go if I could travel
日本 歐洲 蘭嶼 帛琉 或許峇裡島
Japan, Europe, Orchid Island, Palau, or maybe Bali

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