Back to 1986, a Sunday afternoon without tutoring should be
Take the bus with the conductor lady to Wanyuan in Ximending
沒有多餘時間可以讓我浪費 直接快步衝向二樓的球鞋店
No time to waste, head straight to the sneaker store on the second floor
Like Muslims to Allah's holy temple
我能清清楚楚背下所有球鞋的價錢 就好像默寫九九乘法表般的準確
I could recite all the sneaker prices clearly, as accurate as reciting the multiplication table
老闆問我要看幾遍 略帶不耐煩的口氣聽了真的很討厭
The boss asked how many times I wanted to see them, his impatient tone was really annoying
不過還好這次我的口袋裡有錢 存了半年一切就是為了今天
But this time I had money in my pocket, saved for half a year for this day
潘朵拉的寶盒從倉庫拿出來 打開
Pandora's box was taken out of the warehouse and opened
White soles with blue ticks touched my heart
神聖的空氣在這一刻 瀰漫
Sacred air permeates this moment
我像灰姑娘一樣坐在沙發上試穿 幾個同好羨慕的圍觀
I sat on the sofa and tried them on like Cinderella, surrounded by envious onlookers
老闆爽歪歪 現金馬上進口袋 心裡暗中盤算
The boss is overjoyed, the cash is in his pocket, secretly thinking
This guy shouldn't be bothering me again anytime soon
不過老闆老闆如果下個星期不用補習 我還是會準時出席
But boss, boss, if I don't have tutoring next week, I'll be back on time
Still standing here looking at the wall, asking you some questions that I actually know the answers to
西門町其實充滿危險 出了門遇到幾個混冰宮的少年
Ximending is actually dangerous, and I met some hockey boys outside
我的身高比他們高一些 但是我的長相一看就是好欺負的臉
I'm taller than them, but I look like a pushover
沒辦法 又被他們勒索了一點 不過還好他們沒有發現我的新球鞋
I couldn't help but get extorted a little, but they didn't find my new sneakers
因為他們很俗 他們不懂 他們早熟 他們只想拿點錢去打司諾克
Because they're not cool, they don't get it, they're immature, they just want some money for snooker
回到家 打開鞋盒用力聞一下 爽 新球鞋的味道比麥當勞還香
Get home, open the shoe box and take a big sniff, the new sneaker smell is better than McDonald's
把鞋帶一格一格穿上 這種滿足感是旁人無法想像
Put on the shoelaces one by one, such a satisfying feeling is unimaginable
吃完晚餐 全家在客廳看五燈獎 我把房門輕輕帶上 假裝讀書
After dinner, the whole family is watching Five Lights Award in the living room, I gently close the door, pretending to study
其實是在和球鞋做最深層的感情培養 啊
Actually, I'm cultivating the deepest feelings with my sneakers
和它說話 把它拿上書架 再放到地上 又拿上書桌 再擺回地上
Talk to it, put it on the bookshelf, put it on the floor again, put it on the desk again, and put it back on the floor
像個傻瓜 不知不覺就這樣進入夢鄉
Like a fool, I fell asleep without knowing it
第二天坐校車上學 知道早自習要考數學 什麼都不會 手心開花待會又是難免
The next day, I took the school bus to school, knowing that there would be a math test in the morning self-study, I didn't know anything, my palms were sweating, and I knew it would be difficult
不過那又怎樣 車窗外的陽光超乎我的想像 三角函數 物理化學
But so what? The sun outside the car window is beyond my imagination, trigonometry, physics, and chemistry
我只期待體育課換上我的新球鞋奮力一跳 摸到籃框 縱橫全場無人能檔
I just look forward to the PE class, put on my new sneakers, jump hard, touch the basket, and be invincible on the court
就像我的超級偶像Charles barkly 一樣
Just like my idol Charles Barkley
男孩的新球鞋 期待夢想會實現 時間一直往前 夢想沒有改變
Boys' new sneakers, the dream will come true, time goes forward, dreams don't change
Back to the reality of 2007
工作佔去大部分的時間 難得忙裡偷閒 開著我的 紅色跑車來到西門町的萬年
Work takes up most of my time, and I rarely get some free time, so I drive my red sports car to Wanyuan in Ximending
下意識的反應 我直接衝向二樓的球鞋店
Instinctive reaction, I went straight to the sneaker store on the second floor
老闆還在 還是那張臭臉 不過對我來說彷彿多了一份親切
The boss is still there, still with that stinky face, but to me, it seems a little more intimate
After all, he was the only one who accompanied me through my most innocent childhood
繁忙的人潮 擁擠的街道 夕陽濫情的照 彷彿真的感到歲月催人老
Busy crowds, crowded streets, the setting sun shines affectionately, I feel the years urging me
掛在牆上琳瑯滿目的鞋 臨走前還是忍不住想要多看一眼
The dazzling shoes hanging on the wall, I couldn't help but take one more look before leaving
驚鴻一瞥 瞥到幾個駐足少年 渴望的表情面對老闆機車的臉
A glimpse of a few teenagers standing there, their eager expressions facing the boss's moody face
畫面就像回到從前 時光倒流 把我帶回1986年
The scene seems to go back to the past, time goes back, taking me back to 1986
男孩的新球鞋 期待夢想會實現 時間一直往前 夢想沒有改變
Boys' new sneakers, the dream will come true, time goes forward, dreams don't change
(經典 經典 不會畫上句點 變與不變 鞋的size不變 只有身材一直變...)
(Classic, classic, there will be no full stop, change or not, the shoe size remains the same, only the body keeps changing...)
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