鬼 - 精神病質 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский 鬼 - 精神病質

未来を語り明日を考えず 絶えず高く飛ぶがために焦る
Talking about the future but forgetting tomorrow, always in a hurry to fly higher
Proud of my unwavering thoughts and strength, so the loop accelerates
祈りながらベッドに沈む 汗滲む夢の彩りはまだら
Praying, sinking into bed, my dreams have a sweaty, mottled glow
入り組む裏町の路地塗りつぶすクレパス 日も暮れだす
The tangled alleys of the back streets, filled with crayon, the sun begins to set
過去を美化できるだけご立派 いびつな折り合いと辻褄
Only able to glorify the past, distorted compromises and inconsistencies
唇が紡ぎ出すrhyme 冷めたcrime baby don't cry please
The rhyme my lips weave, a cold crime, baby don't cry please
The melted ice cream I lick, a pleasure and risk mille-feuille
傷口を見せ合う愚かさ そこから生まれる言葉は
The foolishness of showing each other our wounds, the words that come from it are
情におきかける乞食 物乞い 腹の足しになりゃあ美徳も食う
A beggar relying on pity, a beggar, if it fills my belly, I'll eat virtue too
憐れかけた情け貪る 飴に群がる蟻の如く
Pitiful, insatiable affection, like ants swarming around candy
情におきかける乞食 物乞い 腹の足しになりゃあ美徳も食う
A beggar relying on pity, a beggar, if it fills my belly, I'll eat virtue too
憐れかけた情け貪る 飴に群がる蟻の如く
Pitiful, insatiable affection, like ants swarming around candy
目を閉じまぶたに浮かぶ過去 なぞる罪に虫酸と情欲
Closing my eyes, the past floats on my eyelids, tracing my sins with disgust and lust
繋がる謎 沈む性と慟哭 闇夜を知らぬ牢獄
Connecting mysteries, sinking sex and weeping, a dungeon that knows no darkness
無機質な光寄せては返す 微睡みが指掛けるトリガー
The inorganic light flows back and forth, a trigger hung on my drowsiness
淀む時の中を吹きだまる未来 徐々に腐りだす期待
The future accumulates in the stagnant time, expectations slowly rotting
自信の無さ上げた棚の中 不信感が甘いぼた餅なら
My insecurities put up on a shelf, if distrust is a sweet sticky rice cake
それすべて平らげろ 罪の始まりを怨情に掲げよう
Devour it all, let's blame the beginning of sin on resentment
Flowing down the slope of time with a distorted hand, mocking the word "fate"
嘘かマジかは問題じゃねぇ ババァの小便で飯炊きなbitch
Whether it's a lie or the truth doesn't matter, bitch, I'll cook rice with an old woman's piss
情におきかける乞食 物乞い 腹の足しになりゃあ美徳も食う
A beggar relying on pity, a beggar, if it fills my belly, I'll eat virtue too
憐れかけた情け貪る 飴に群がる蟻の如く
Pitiful, insatiable affection, like ants swarming around candy
情におきかける乞食 物乞い 腹の足しになりゃあ美徳も食う
A beggar relying on pity, a beggar, if it fills my belly, I'll eat virtue too
憐れかけた情け貪る 飴に群がる蟻の如く
Pitiful, insatiable affection, like ants swarming around candy


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