魏路遙 - 刺客 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский 魏路遙 - 刺客

你來去無蹤 留給敵人無盡惶恐
You come and go without a trace, leaving your enemies in endless fear.
Patiently lying in wait, seizing the opportunity to strike.
出手快如風勝負了然於胸 不會感覺痛
Your moves are swift as the wind, victory assured within your heart, no pain you feel.
沒興趣做英雄 只是不想淪為孬種
No interest in being a hero, simply refusing to become a coward.
Never have you been captivated by martial arts,
nor cared about who in the Jianghu falsely claims supremacy.
你目光炯炯 獵殺手法樣樣精通
Your eyes are sharp, your hunting techniques masterful and diverse.
Facing experts, you show no fear,
下手准如鐘生死盡在掌控 反抗沒有用
your strikes as precise as a clock, life and death within your grasp, resistance futile.
不如徹底放鬆 坦然接受命運愚弄
It's better to completely relax, to accept the mockery of fate with grace,
everything unfolds as anticipated.
The land is like a painting, the setting sun as crimson as blood.
功名榮辱 不屑一顧
Fame and fortune, honor and disgrace, you disregard them all.
興衰沉浮 轉眼全都化作塵土
Rise and fall, in the blink of an eye, all turn to dust.
應對自如 不由自主
Adapting with ease, yet compelled by forces beyond control,
其情可恕 其心可誅
your actions may be forgivable, but your heart deserving of condemnation.
你身輕如鴻 飛簷走壁平常稀鬆
Your body light as a swan, leaping across rooftops with casual ease.
Arrogant and unrestrained, yet gentle and humble,
即使再警惕也是徒勞無功 甚至搞不懂
even the most vigilant efforts are in vain, they can't even comprehend
那神秘的笑容 就眼睜睜含恨而終
that mysterious smile, as they watch, filled with hate, their life coming to an end.
Ignoring their dilated pupils,
your heart like a rock, unmoved by pleas for mercy.
你曾下賭咒 說不會再為誰心動
You once swore you wouldn't be moved by anyone again,
but that day, amidst the light rain and apricot blossoms,
她忽一回眸你便無所適從 任情緒慫恿
her sudden glance left you disoriented, at the mercy of your emotions.
不過萍水相逢 感覺卻像久別重逢
A mere fleeting encounter, yet it felt like a reunion after a long separation.
You abandoned resistance and action,
she easily captured you, locking you in her cage.

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