黃宥傑 - 傷愛罪 - перевод текста песни на английский

傷愛罪 - 黃宥傑перевод на английский

Love's Crime
親愛的你貴姓 我已不認識你
My dear, what is your name? I don't recognize you anymore
站在面前卻疏離 遙不可及
Standing before me, yet distant, unreachable
眼睛嘴巴是你 聲音動作也像你
Your eyes, your mouth, they're yours, your voice, your movements
可惜心卻換了心 隱藏的很用力
But your heart is different, desperately concealed
生活像一個監獄 關係像一種酷刑
Life resembles a prison, our relationship a torment
最初那些美麗 怎麼變得面目猙獰
The initial beauty, now distorted, grotesque
兩個 傷了愛情的罪犯
Two criminals of love
毀掉對方 疼愛自己的模樣
Destroying each other's cherished visions
誰綁架誰的夢想 誰偷走誰的喜歡
Who has stolen whose dream, whose affections?
這荒唐競技場 愛逃到多遠的地方
In this absurd arena, where has love fled?
Criminals of love
燒掉對方 幸福快樂的天堂
Burning down our paradise of happiness
放肆應該怎麼放 果斷又該怎麼斷
How do we unleash our recklessness, execute our resolve?
你已經不一樣 我舉手投降等著分離 宣判
You're different now, and I surrender, awaiting the verdict of separation
眼睛嘴巴是你 聲音動作也像你
Your eyes, your mouth, they're yours, your voice, your movements
明明陌生的可以 卻裝的很熟悉
Utterly foreign, yet you feign familiarity
兩塊冰如何取暖 兩團火如何交談
How can two blocks of ice offer warmth, two infernos converse?
只剩下怎麼辦 在我眼底瘋狂亂竄
Only "What now?" remains, frantically echoing within me
兩個 傷了愛情的罪犯
Two criminals of love
毀掉對方 疼愛自己的模樣
Destroying each other's cherished visions
誰綁架誰的夢想 誰偷走誰的喜歡
Who has stolen whose dream, whose affections?
這荒唐競技場 愛逃到多遠的地方
In this absurd arena, where has love fled?
Criminals of love
燒掉對方 幸福快樂的天堂
Burning down our paradise of happiness
放肆應該怎麼放 果斷又該怎麼斷
How do we unleash our recklessness, execute our resolve?
你已經不一樣 我舉手投降等著分離 宣判
You're different now, and I surrender, awaiting the verdict of separation
Invisible wounds, the deepest
They bleed not, yet inflict greater torment
你想說 我想說 一開口
You yearn to speak, as do I, but when we open our mouths
There's only icy silence
兩個 傷了愛情的罪犯
Two criminals of love
毀掉對方 疼愛自己的模樣
Destroying each other's cherished visions
誰綁架誰的夢想 誰偷走誰的喜歡
Who has stolen whose dream, whose affections?
這荒唐競技場 愛逃到最遠的地方
In this absurd arena, where has love escaped?
Criminals of love
燒掉對方 幸福快樂的天堂
Burning down our paradise of happiness
放肆應該怎麼放 果斷又該怎麼斷
How do we unleash our recklessness, execute our resolve?
你已經不一樣 我舉手投降等著分離 宣判
You're different now, and I surrender, awaiting the verdict of separation

Авторы: Shi Fang, Wen Liang Fang

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