黃宥傑 - 恐龍 - перевод текста песни на английский

恐龍 - 黃宥傑перевод на английский

我蹲了下來 最後一次為你繫好鞋帶
I crouched down and tied your shoelaces for the last time, dear.
像一對蝴蝶 陪你飛進下一段精采
Like a couple of butterflies, escorting you to the next chapter of your adventures.
揮手 bye bye 想不出什麼動人對白
Waving goodbye, I could not think of any moving words to say,
也只好說 要走趁現在
So I just said, if you're going to leave, just go now.
看著車窗外 街景拼命倒退送我離開
Looking out of the car window, the street view desperately retreating, sending me off.
每一個站牌 原來一路尾隨著悲哀
Every station, it turns out, has always trailed sorrow.
耳機一塞 鞭打我吧音樂的節拍
I plugged in my earphones, let the music's beat whip me.
就讓傷害 全都衝著我來
Let all the damage come to me.
不痛 不痛 不痛 我是隻愚鈍的恐龍
It doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt. I'm just a foolish dinosaur.
神經傳導比人類慢了 九十九分鐘
My nerve conduction is ninety-nine minutes slower than that of humans.
噗通 噗通 噗通 我是隻冷血的恐龍
Thump, thump, thump. I'm a cold-blooded dinosaur.
心臟不再為你跳動 我侏儸紀的愛 沒有人懂
My heart no longer beats for you. My Jurassic love is incomprehensible.
要是能重來 我想我還是會死性不改
If I could do it all again, I think I'd still be unyielding.
也只能想著 把愛全部往你懷裡塞
I could only think of showering you with all my love.
你想要的 我怎麼學都優雅不來
What you wanted, I couldn't gracefully learn to give,
要怪只怪 我生錯了年代
It's just that I was born in the wrong era.
不痛 不痛 不痛 我是隻愚鈍的恐龍
It doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt. I'm just a foolish dinosaur.
神經傳導比人類慢了 九十九分鐘
My nerve conduction is ninety-nine minutes slower than that of humans.
噗通 噗通 噗通 我是隻冷血的恐龍
Thump, thump, thump. I'm a cold-blooded dinosaur.
心臟不再為你跳動 我侏儸紀的愛 瀕臨絕種
My heart no longer beats for you. My Jurassic love is on the brink of extinction.
雙手不是才放空 怎麼雙腳更沉重
My hands had just emptied, but why do my feet feel even heavier?
我的腦袋 嗡嗡嗡嗡 你的回憶在倒轉放送
My brain, buzzing, buzzing. Your memories are playing in reverse.
不痛 不痛 不痛 我是隻愚鈍的恐龍
It doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt. I'm just a foolish dinosaur.
神經傳導比人類慢了 九十九分鐘
My nerve conduction is ninety-nine minutes slower than that of humans.
噗通 噗通 噗通 我是隻冷血的恐龍
Thump, thump, thump. I'm a cold-blooded dinosaur.
心臟不再為你跳動 我侏儸紀的愛 早該絕種
My heart no longer beats for you. My Jurassic love should have gone extinct long ago.
我侏儸紀的愛 早就絕種
My Jurassic love has long gone extinct.

Авторы: Masako, 虫二

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