黃立行 - 預言 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский 黃立行 - 預言

歌名:預言 演唱:黃立行
Song Title: Prophecy Singer: Stanley Huang
一個人晚上逛街好像退了什麼 從來沒有那麼地寂寞過 快瘋了
Walking the streets alone at night Like something has receded Never been so lonely Losing my mind
我心是空的 現在才明白 終於懂了這個世界上只有我一個
My heart is empty Now I understand Finally I know In this world I am alone
每次想到 眼淚都差一點掉下來 忍耐 呼吸慢慢來
Every time I think about it Tears almost fall Hold on Take a slow breath
好像發燒了 路都看不清楚 是不是快到家了 是不是眼睛瞎了
Like a fever Can't see the road clearly Am I almost home Or am I blind
肚子痛好像有什麼東西一直戳 莫名其妙地感覺卻不知道怎麼說
Stomach pain Like something is always stabbing Inexplicable feeling But don't know how to say it
悶在心裡計劃已經進行 成立不了只能說已經盡力 狗屁
Holding it in The plan is already underway Can't establish it All I can say is I've tried my best Bullshit
才不相信 好像一直在憋氣 一直不能控制自己的脾氣
I don't believe it Like I've been holding my breath Can't control my temper
不能再安靜了 以前音樂是我興趣 現在做是完全因為我生氣了
Can't be quiet anymore Music used to be my passion Now I'm doing it because I'm angry
頭痛到不行 心跳在眼睛裡 機會失去了 可是難過的不是你
Headache like crazy Heartbeat in my eyes Lost my chance But you're not the one who's sad
你覺得我做音樂是給誰聽 難道 只有我一個人願意為HIP-HOP拼
You think I make music for who to listen to Maybe Only I am willing to fight for HIP-HOP
如果是個事實 我不會選擇死 能活得下去 只需要筆跟紙 就算我頭爆
If it's a fact I won't choose to die To survive I only need a pen and paper Even if my head explodes
我腦袋血管破 能打動你的心我這一輩子可以過
My brain's blood vessels can rupture If I can touch your heart I can live my whole life
時間過得快 時間過得慢 擋也擋不住 該來的都會來 你轉個頭 眨個眼
Time flies Time is slow Can't stop it What is coming will come Turn your head Blink your eyes
今天就不見 可是我等一年才等到明天
Today you disappear But I wait a year to see tomorrow
時間過得快 時間過得慢 擋也擋不住 該來的都會來 怎麼躲 怎麼拖
Time flies Time is slow Can't stop it What is coming will come How to hide How to delay
你還不明白 聽我說HIP-HOP遲早都會來
You still don't understand Listen to me HIP-HOP will come sooner or later
Often meet some people Say my songs are not simple enough
點我的歌在KTV根本就跟不上 還敢跟我說我的歌太難
Order my songs in KTV Can't keep up at all Dare to tell me my songs are too difficult
應該跟大家一樣 自己想做 從來沒有叫你唱 你到底想怎樣
Should be like everyone else Do what I want Never asked you to sing What do you want
想當歌手嗎 想搶我的飯碗 娛樂圈不需要你幫忙 已經夠慘
Want to be a singer? Want to steal my job The entertainment industry doesn't need your help It's bad enough
再加上一堆人好無聊 好爛 下載MP3 連AV也盜版
Plus a bunch of people are so bored So bad Download MP3 Even AV is pirated
你說我們應該怎麼辦 你好好看看 音樂對你那麼好
You tell me what should we do You look carefully Music is so good to you
你什麼都不想還 終於打開一條路 可以改 我們的環境
You don't want anything yet Finally open a path You can change Our environment
我們的生活 我們的生命 目的 聞得到就那麼近 假裝聽不見
Our life Our life Purpose Smell it so close Pretend not to hear
假裝看不見 繼續坐你們的沙發上 很舒服 很安 我在下面慢慢
Pretend not to see Continue to sit on your sofa Very comfortable Very quiet I'm slowly
一腿一腿打斷 等你倒下來 我把你眼皮撕下來看
Breaking one leg at a time Wait for you to fall down I'll tear off your eyelids and take a look
我是個白癡還是天才 除了我以外
Am I an idiot or a genius Besides me
還有誰相信HIP-HOP是我們的未來 這是個預言嗎
Who else believes that HIP-HOP is our future Is this a prophecy
我不知道怎麼回答 等著看看吧 日久見人性
I don't know how to answer Wait and see Time will tell
大家趕快把耳塞戴上 人都一樣 不容易改 不願意放下來
Everyone put on your earplugs Everyone is the same Not easy to change Not willing to let go
傳統想法 我實在也沒有辦法 只能拼命 瞭不瞭解 這是我的命
Traditional thinking I really have no way Only desperately Do you understand This is my life
時間過得快 時間過得慢 擋也擋不住 該來的都會來 你轉個頭 眨個眼
Time flies Time is slow Can't stop it What is coming will come Turn your head Blink your eyes
今天就不見 可是我等一年才等到明天
Today you disappear But I wait a year to see tomorrow
時間過得快 時間過得慢 擋也擋不住 該來的都會來 怎麼躲 怎麼拖
Time flies Time is slow Can't stop it What is coming will come How to hide How to delay
你還不明白 聽我說HIP-HOP遲早都會來
You still don't understand Listen to me HIP-HOP will come sooner or later
時間過得快 時間過得慢 擋也擋不住 該來的都會來 你轉個頭 眨個眼
Time flies Time is slow Can't stop it What is coming will come Turn your head Blink your eyes
今天就不見 可是我等一年才等到明天
Today you disappear But I wait a year to see tomorrow
時間過得快 時間過得慢 擋也擋不住 該來的都會來 怎麼躲 怎麼拖
Time flies Time is slow Can't stop it What is coming will come How to hide How to delay
你還不明白 聽我說HIP-HOP遲早都會來
You still don't understand Listen to me HIP-HOP will come sooner or later

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