In this life, I am fortunate to have obtained a full vessel. I must cross the sea of birth and death with myself and others. Therefore, I will not slack off day and night, and take heed of the Buddha's teachings, contemplation, and practice.
Attachment to relatives and friends is like water, swaying. Hatred and resentment towards enemies is like fire, burning. Ignorance of choice is like darkness. Leaving home is the Buddha Son's practice.
Leaving the realm of evil, confusion gradually diminishes. Discarding distraction, goodness naturally increases. Purifying one's heart, right views arise. Relying on a peaceful place is the Buddha Son's practice.
Long companionship with kin must part. Wealth amassed with diligence must be abandoned. Recognizing the guest will eventually leave the guest house, giving up worldly attachments is the Buddha Son's practice.
Accompanying evil friends, the three poisons flourish. Listening to, thinking about, and practicing virtue gradually diminishes. Compassion and joy are lost. Staying away from evil friends is the Buddha Son's practice.
Relying on good and wise knowledge, sins gradually dissipate. Merit increases like the waxing moon. Cherishing the wise teacher of wisdom, valuing them more than oneself is the Buddha Son's practice.
Still trapped in the prison of reincarnation, who can worldly deities protect? One should rely on the most excellent and true, taking refuge in the Three Jewels is the Buddha Son's practice.
The unbearable suffering of the evil realms, the World-Honored One says, is the result of evil karma. Even if one must sacrifice one's life, one should not commit sins. This is the Buddha Son's practice.
The happiness of the three realms is like dew on grass, all impermanent and subject to destruction. Unchanging and unsurpassed is the path to liberation. Arousing aspiration is the Buddha Son's practice.
The kind grace of beginningless kalpas, if all mothers suffer, how can I be happy? To save countless sentient beings, generate the bodhicitta is the Buddha Son's practice.
All suffering arises from attachment to oneself, while all Buddhas arise from the heart of benefiting others. Therefore, in exchanging self-interest with the suffering of others, practice is genuine is the Buddha Son's practice.
Even if others steal from me out of greed, or cause others to seize my wealth, I will still offer my body, wealth, and the three times of goodness, dedicating them to them is the Buddha Son's practice.
Although I have committed no sins, there are those who wish to cut off my head. Yet with a heart of compassion for all sins, I will take it upon myself is the Buddha Son's practice.
Even if people slander me in a hundred ways, spreading ugly rumors throughout the three thousand worlds, I will still cherish a heart of compassion, praising their virtue is the Buddha Son's practice.
If someone reveals my secrets and speaks evil words in a public gathering, I will still regard them as a good teacher, paying homage and respect is the Buddha Son's practice.
Nurturing others as if they were one's own child, they see me as an enemy. I will still love them like a mother loves a sick child, showing even greater compassion is the Buddha Son's practice.
If they are equal or inferior, yet arrogant and contemptuous of me, I will still respect them as a master, always respecting them is the Buddha Son's practice.
Even if I am despised because of poverty, afflicted with serious illness and demonic obstacles, I will bear the suffering of sentient beings myself, without fear or cowardice is the Buddha Son's practice.
Although I am rich and famous, respected by all, and my wealth rivals that of the god of wealth, I still see the vanity of glory, and remain free from arrogance is the Buddha Son's practice.
If I have not subdued the inner enemy of anger, external enemies will grow stronger. Therefore, I should quickly use the army of compassion to subdue my own mind is the Buddha Son's practice.
The pleasures of the three realms are like salt water, the more one seeks them, the more insatiable one becomes. For all things that can give rise to attachment, I will abandon them immediately is the Buddha Son's practice.
All dharmas manifest only the self-mind, whose nature is originally free from the boundaries of speculation. Not abiding in the appearance of subject and object, the mind does not create intentions is the Buddha Son's practice.
When encountering pleasant and agreeable circumstances, one should contemplate them like a rainbow in summer. The outer appearance is beautiful, but the inner substance is empty. Abandon attachment is the Buddha Son's practice.
All suffering is like the death of a dream child, falsely clinging to its reality causes extreme distress. Therefore, in the face of unfavorable and adverse circumstances, one should contemplate their emptiness is the Buddha Son's practice.
For the sake of attaining the body of enlightenment, I am willing to give up my body, let alone external possessions. I give without expecting a different result, and do not seek回报 is the Buddha Son's practice.
Without precepts, one cannot benefit oneself, let alone benefit others. Therefore, I do not seek worldly pleasures, and diligently protect the precepts is the Buddha Son's practice.
To accumulate blessings and goodness, sons and daughters of the Buddha, should regard enemies as a treasure house. Abandoning anger towards all beings, they cultivate forbearance is the Buddha Son's practice.
Seeing self-interested Hinayana practitioners, diligently practicing as if their heads were on fire, to benefit sentient beings is the source of virtue. Rejoice and be diligent is the Buddha Son's practice.
Profound meditation gives rise to wisdom and insight, destroying all obstacles, demons, and烦恼. Knowing this, one should abandon the four formless states, and practice meditative concentration is the Buddha Son's practice.
Without the guidance of wisdom, the five perfections cannot be perfected. Realizing the emptiness of the three wheels, wisdom and skill are combined is the Buddha Son's practice.
If one does not examine one's own faults, but wears the outer garment of a Buddha and acts unlawfully, one should constantly practice introspection, and cut off one's own faults is the Buddha Son's practice.
Because of my烦恼, I criticize others, diminishing功德 and causing regression. Therefore, regarding the shortcomings of Bodhisattvas, I will never discuss them is the Buddha Son's practice.
Because of seeking benefit and respect, disputes arise, and the practice of listening, thinking, and cultivating gradually declines. Therefore, in the homes of relatives and sponsors, I will abandon covetousness is the Buddha Son's practice.
Harsh words伤人心, and also harm the conduct of Buddha sons. Unpleasant speech that displeases others, I will abandon and not speak is the Buddha Son's practice.
Habituated烦恼 are difficult to overcome, but wise beings maintain mindfulness. When贪瞋痴 first arise, they are immediately destroyed is the Buddha Son's practice.
No matter when or what one does, one should observe the state of one's own mind, always maintaining right念 and right awareness, and accomplishing the benefit of others is the Buddha Son's practice.
The merit thus diligently cultivated, is for the purpose of eliminating the suffering of countless sentient beings. With the pure wisdom of the three wheels, I dedicate all to菩提 is the Buddha Son's practice.
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