齊豫 - 暮鐘偈 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский 齊豫 - 暮鐘偈

Evening Bell's Chant
暮钟偈 - 齐豫
Evening Bell's Chant - Qi Yu
愿此钟声超法界 铁围幽暗悉皆闻
May this bell's sound penetrate the Dharma realm, May the dark depths of the iron fence hear it all,
闻声清净证圆通 一切众生成正觉
Hearing the sound, become enlightened, Attain the round state of perfect enlightenment, May all sentient beings attain right awakening.
洪钟初叩 宝偈高吟 上彻天堂 下通地府
The great bell's first strike, The precious verse is recited, Ascending to the heavens, Descending to the earth.
上祝诸佛菩萨 光照乾坤 下资法界众生 同入一乘
May it bless all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, May their light illuminate the heavens and earth, May it benefit all beings in the Dharma realm, May they all enter the One Vehicle.
三界四生之内 各免轮回 九幽十类之中 悉离苦海
Within the three realms and four existences, May all be liberated from the cycle of rebirth, Within the nine seclusions and ten categories, May all be delivered from the sea of suffering.
五风十雨 免遭饥馑之年 南亩东郊 俱瞻尧舜之日
May the five winds and ten rains, Bestow upon us a year free from hunger, May the south fields and east suburbs, All witness the days of Yao and Shun.
干戈永息 甲马休征 阵败伤亡 俱生净土
May warfare cease forever, May horses and chariots rest, May the defeated and injured, All be reborn in the Pure Land.
飞禽走兽 罗网不逢 浪子孤商 早还乡井
May flying birds and running beasts, Never encounter traps, May prodigal sons and wandering merchants, Return home early.
无边世界 地久天长 远近檀那 增延福寿
In boundless worlds, May the lands endure and the heavens abide, Near and far, may well-wishers, Increase their blessings and longevity.
三门清净 佛法常兴 土地龙神 安僧护法
May the three gates be pure, May the Dharma forever flourish, May the earth spirits and dragons, Protect the monks and uphold the Dharma.
父母师长 六亲眷属 历代先亡 同登彼岸
May parents, teachers, and relatives, Ancestors from all generations, All ascend to the other shore.
南无清净法身 毘卢遮那佛
Homage to the Pure Dharma body, Vairocana Buddha.
南无圆满报身 卢舍那佛
Homage to the Perfect Reward body, Locana Buddha.
南无千百亿化身 释迦牟尼佛
Homage to the Thousand-Hundred-Billion Transformation bodies, Shakyamuni Buddha.
南无当来下生 弥勒尊佛
Homage to the Bodhisattva who will descend in the future, Maitreya Buddha.
南无极乐世界 阿弥陀佛
Homage to the Buddha of the Pure Land, Amitabha Buddha.
南无清凉山 金色界 大智文殊师利菩萨
Homage to the Bodhisattva of Great Wisdom, Manjushri, in the Golden Realm of Mount Qingliang.
南无峨嵋山 银色界 大行普贤愿王菩萨
Homage to the Bodhisattva of Great Conduct, Universal Worthy, in the Silver Realm of Mount Emei.
南无普陀山 琉璃界 大悲观世音菩萨
Homage to the Bodhisattva of Great Compassion, Avalokiteshvara, in the Crystal Realm of Mount Putuo.
南无九华山 幽冥界 大愿地藏王菩萨
Homage to the Bodhisattva of Great Vows, Ksitigarbha, in the Netherworld Realm of Mount Jiuhua.
南无大乘妙法莲华经 南无法华会上佛菩萨
Homage to the妙法莲华经, Homage to the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas on the Lotus Sutra.

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