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내가초등학교도들어가기도전에매주에평일에 한번은아빠의손에잡혀서동네목욕탕에갔었어 아빠의때수건은정말아팠어 근데그것보다도무서웟던건바로다름아닌상어엿
My father used to take me to the neighborhood bathhouse once a week before I even started elementary school. My father's loofah was really rough. But what was scarier than that was none other than the shark.
살때 나는냉탕에상어가살거라고믿었다고
When I was young, I believed that sharks lived in the cold water. Haha
I even thought that they could bite through peppers.
근데내또래꼬마애들은 내말을믿어주지않아서애석해
But my friends didn't believe me, which made me sad.
걔네는잘만놀았고 게다가몇몇은물안경까지차고와서
They would play happily, and some of them even wore goggles.
프리투취우린지만 난어딘가숨어있을상어에 캔투씨
But I always kept an eye out for sharks hiding somewhere. I was always on the lookout.
난그저온탕에있었지 뜨거운십분이지나고서
I just stayed in the hot water. After ten minutes, the water would get too hot.

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