스윙스 feat. 천재노창 - I'll Be There 2014 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский 스윙스 feat. 천재노창 - I'll Be There 2014

I'll Be There 2014
I'll Be There 2014
길었던 영화는 끝났어
The long movie is over
잠근 단추처럼 처음부터 어긋났어
Like a button that wasn't closed properly, it was off from the start
우릴 묶었던 끈마저
Even the strings that bound us
풀리고 같던 심장이 유리로 변해서 갔어
Unraveled, and my heart, once like a stone, turned into glass and cracked
우린 함께 경험했던 것이 많아
We had a lot of experiences together
헤어지고 나서야 그런 것들이 생각나
It's only after we broke up that I start to think about them
만남에 네가 맘에 심었던
The flower you planted in my heart when we first met
너는 내게 안식처인 깊었던 deep 했어 uh
And you were a deep well, a sanctuary for me, deep, uh
우리 둘이 사진을 처음 찍었던
The place where we took our first picture together
길에서 기다릴 유난히 길었던
The neck that seemed unusually long when I waited for you on the street
쳐다 야한 옷처럼 비췄던
The inside of me, like a revealing outfit when I looked at you
것이 커서 좋다며 네가 입었던
The clothes you wore because you liked that mine was bigger
처음에만 좋았지, 알고 보니 우린 슬픔이 길었던
It was only good in the beginning, you know, we were a song with a long sadness
비록 네가 없어도 겨울의 take-out 커피처럼 맘이 식었어도
Even though you're not here, and my heart is cold like a winter take-out coffee
들어줘 말을 하고 싶었어
I just wanted to tell you this, I had to say it
아직도 맘을 가지고 있어
You still have my heart
이미 보고 있어도 보고 싶어
I want to see you even though I'm already seeing you
지금 곁에 없어도
Even though you're not here right now
우리 열차가 멈췄어도
Even though our train stopped
I'll be there, I'll be there
I'll be there, I'll be there
I'll be there, I'll be there
I'll be there, I'll be there
〈2nd verse〉
솜을 물고 있는 것처럼 입이 텁텁해
My mouth feels dry, like I'm holding cotton
어떤 속물과 사귀지만 나는 어떡해
You're dating some materialist, but what about me?
수학은 해서 걱정 돼도
I'm worried because I'm not good at math
우리 관계의 문제를
But I'm smart enough to
정도만큼은 똑똑해
Solve the problems in our relationship
너랑 헤어지고 나서도 네가 이뻤어
You were still beautiful even after we broke up
허나 소식을 듣고 나서 너무도 미웠어
But I hated you so much after I heard about him
편지의 입술 자국마저도 지웠어
I even erased the lipstick marks from your letters
걔보단 괜찮은 만날 거라고 믿었었거든
I believed you would meet someone better than him
근데 생각해보면 네가 원했던 것은
But thinking back, what you wanted
돈이나, 옷이나 물질적인 아니었거든 확실해
Wasn't money, clothes, or material things, I'm sure of it
근데 내가 도대체 어떻게 자신해?
But how can I be confident?
어떡하긴, 하는 보면서 확신해
Well, I'm certain, seeing him act the way he does
조금 웃긴 고백이지만 너랑 다시
It's a bit of a funny confession, but I want to
싸우고 싶어 캐빈처럼 홀로 있어
Fight with you again, like Kevin, alone
따뜻하고 하늘이 맑은 날에 혼자 있느니
Rather than being alone on a warm day with clear skies
눈보라 치는 날에 너랑 거기서 나오고 싶어
I'd rather be there with you in a blizzard
아직도 맘을 가지고 있어
You still have my heart
이미 보고 있어도 보고 싶어
I want to see you even though I'm already seeing you
지금 곁에 없어도
Even though you're not here right now
우리 열차가 멈췄어도
Even though our train stopped
I'll be there, I'll be there
I'll be there, I'll be there
I'll be there, I'll be there
I'll be there, I'll be there
〈3rd verse〉
울먹였던 너에게서 오는 전화에 용기를
I was a pathetic fool who found courage
얻었던 한심한 나였거든
In your phone call where you were sobbing
걔와 된다고
You said things weren't working out with him
바쁜 내일 있다며
I pretended to be busy, saying I had something to do tomorrow
자야 된다, 당장 가야 한다고
I said I had to sleep, I had to go right away
처음엔 그저 불행하기를 바랬어
At first, I just wanted you to be unhappy
이제는 그냥 너와 속물. 아니 걔가 돼서
Now I just want you and that materialist, no, I want him to be doing well
밤에 내가 잤으면 좋겠다, 알겠어?
So I can sleep well at night, alright?
아니, 그건 장난이고, 진짜로 하고 싶은 말은
No, that's a joke, what I really want to say is
취해서 전화해도 it's ok
It's ok to call me drunk
소리를 지르며 옛얘기해도 it's ok
It's ok to yell and talk about old times
너의 귓속에- 속삭여 노랠 알려줄게
I'll whisper this song in your ear
애가 타면 나방처럼 속에 달려들게
If you're burning with longing, you'll fly like a moth into the flames
나를 지우려 기억을
You wash away your memories to erase me
지금 하는 말만은 절대로 잊지마
Don't ever forget what I'm saying now
나에게 기대, 나의 그대, 우린 지금 서로 멀리 있지만
Lean on me, my love, we're far apart now
언제나 I'll be there
But I'll always be there
아직도 맘을 가지고 있어
You still have my heart
이미 보고 있어도 보고 싶어
I want to see you even though I'm already seeing you
지금 곁에 없어도
Even though you're not here right now
우리 열차가 멈췄어도
Even though our train stopped
I'll be there, I'll be there
I'll be there, I'll be there
I'll be there, I'll be there
I'll be there, I'll be there

Авторы: . Swings, Jay Bum Park, Jai No Chang Cheon

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