싸이 feat. 조PD - I Love Sex - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский 싸이 feat. 조PD - I Love Sex

I Love Sex
I Love Sex
당신들은 모른다오
You don't understand,
입발린 말이 다가 아니라오
It's not just sweet talk,
입만열면 그들 자랑하오
They only boast when they open their mouths,
입하고 다녀도 당신들은 모른다오
Even if they're all talk, you don't understand,
입쟁인지 정신 똑바로 박힌 젊은인지
Whether they're just talkers or young people with their heads screwed on straight,
학교에서도 멀쩡해 사회에서도 멀쩡해
They seem normal at school, normal in society,
집에서는 진짜로 멀쩡해 그런데
Truly normal at home, but then why,
밤만되면 밖에만 나오면
Why when night falls, why when they're out and about,
육봉만 보면 환장하는데
Why do they go crazy at the sight of a penis,
Fucking 그렇지 그게 결코 나쁜 것은 아니지
Fucking, that's right, it's not a bad thing at all,
사람과 사람이 만나는 이유지
It's the reason people come together,
쉬쉬할 필요는 없지 그치
No need to hush it up, right?
어려서부터 제대로 배워
We weren't taught properly from a young age,
결국 가르침은 무책임한 포르노에서
Ultimately, our education came from irresponsible porn,
그러다 모두다 에라 모르겠다
So everyone's like, 'Screw it, I don't care,'
찍사다 나몰라라 배째라
'I'm just a voyeur, I don't know, screw it,'
얼떨결에 동방예의지국에
In the Land of Morning Calm,
이상하게 서양물 들은 많은 사람들은
Strangely, many people influenced by Western culture,
밖으로 돌다 미쳐 잘났다 미쳐
Go wild outside, thinking they're all that,
중요한 못보고 미쳐 그걸 계속보는 나는 속쳐
Missing the important things, going crazy, and I'm frustrated watching them,
속으로 좋아도 겉으론 삿대질
I like it inside, but on the outside, I point fingers,
누가 뭐래도 I love Sex
No matter what anyone says, I love Sex,
속으로 좋아도 겉으론 삿대질
I like it inside, but on the outside, I point fingers,
I wanna be extacy for ladies
I wanna be ecstasy for ladies,
속으로 좋아도 겉으론 삿대질
I like it inside, but on the outside, I point fingers,
누가 뭐래도 I love Sex
No matter what anyone says, I love Sex,
속으로 좋아도 겉으론 삿대질
I like it inside, but on the outside, I point fingers,
I wanna be extacy for ladies
I wanna be ecstasy for ladies,
일년에 대학생은 MT가 12번
College students have 12 MTs a year,
사회인은 회식이 12번
Company workers have 12 company dinners,
어린 학생은 24시간 자습 매번
Young students have 24-hour self-study sessions every time,
과연 사람들 어디에서들 무슨 할까
So, where and what do people do all the time,
멤버쉽 다진다고 사발째 먹여 놓고
They make them drink bowls to solidify membership,
뻗으면 좋아하고 버티면 일찍 놀앗냐고 시비걸고
They like it when they pass out, and if they endure, they pick fights, asking if they played early,
사내분위기 만든다고 상명하복이라고
They say it's for the company atmosphere, for the hierarchy,
복하면 좋아하고 불복하면 짤라버려
They like it when people obey, and if they don't, they fire them,
어차피 개판일꺼면 까버려
If it's going to be a mess anyway, just lay it all out,
원래 일어서게 밟으면 일어서니 오히려
If you step on something that can't get up, it'll rise even more,
그렇게 묻어 두지만 말고 그냥 까버리란 말이야
So instead of burying it like that, just lay it all out,
물론이야 위험한 불놀이야 애들이야
Of course, it's a dangerous game of fire, kids,
그런건 몰라도 된다고 해갖고
They say you don't need to know about those things,
남고여고로 갈라 들어가서 남녀칠세부동석
They separate them into boys' and girls' high schools, saying boys and girls shouldn't sit together after seven,
안지키는 녀석 고거는 문디야 날라리
The one who doesn't follow that is a rascal, a delinquent,
아주 싹수가 노란 녀석이 버리는게
They become a completely rotten kid,
때때로 이성을 알수 없는 그런 환경에선
Sometimes, in such an environment where reason is unknown,
얼굴만으로 판단 할수 밖에
We can only judge by appearances,
남자는 남자 답게 여자는 여자답게
Men should be manly, women should be womanly,
틀에 맞추기보단 나은 삶을 위한 수단
Rather than conforming to a mold, it's a means to a better life,
될수 있길 각자의 판단
It could be a tool for each person's judgment,
기준이 필요하지 그니깐 그러기위해
We need criteria, so for that,
서로 알아야 한단 말씀이다
We need to know each other well, I'm saying,
속으로 좋아도 겉으론 삿대질
I like it inside, but on the outside, I point fingers,
누가 뭐래도 I love Sex
No matter what anyone says, I love Sex,
속으로 좋아도 겉으론 삿대질
I like it inside, but on the outside, I point fingers,
I wanna be extacy for ladies
I wanna be ecstasy for ladies,
속으로 좋아도 겉으론 삿대질
I like it inside, but on the outside, I point fingers,
누가 뭐래도 I love Sex
No matter what anyone says, I love Sex,
속으로 좋아도 겉으론 삿대질
I like it inside, but on the outside, I point fingers,
I wanna be extacy for ladies
I wanna be ecstasy for ladies,
어머나 뭐야 모양 까대면서도
Oh my, what's this? They criticize but,
비디오 돌려보며 어떻게 하는 뭐야
They rewind the video, trying to figure out how to do it, what's this?
다보는건 뭐야 아예 이번엔 서양
They watch it all, what's this? This time, why not try,
찐한 여배우처럼 해보는건 어때 사양
Acting like a hot Western actress? No thanks,
한다면 말구 마구 먹고 살고
If you don't want to, then don't, just eat and live,
싶지 않으면 말고 어이구 1999세군
If you don't want to, then don't, oh, you're from the 1999 generation,
박신양 같이 순한 양도 그냥 모양
Even a gentle lamb like Park Shin-yang is just like that,
그런걸 모른척 넘기니 뭐야
They pretend not to know and move on, what's this?
진짜 놀라진 않을껀 모양이
You won't really be surprised, oh, the shape is,
만약 최모양 김모양이라 했더라도
Even if it was Miss Choi or Miss Kim,
무엇이든 상품이 되는 그런 생각이
Is the idea that anything can become a commodity wrong?
잘못됐니 밝히는게 잘못됐니
Is it wrong to reveal it?
요놈 새끼 요놈의 색마 새끼
This bastard, this sex fiend bastard,
하는건 미국에 마니카 르윈스키
Do that to Monica Lewinsky in the US,
에게나 하고 하루 세끼
And eat more than three meals a day,
이상먹으면 탈날 이것 명심하고
You'll get sick, remember this,
누가 삿대질 자신에게만
Whoever points fingers, only to themselves,
관대한 생각이 진짜 저질
Such lenient thoughts are truly vulgar,
속으로 좋아도 겉으론 삿대질
I like it inside, but on the outside, I point fingers,
누가 뭐래도
No matter what anyone says,
속으로 좋아도 겉으론 삿대질
I like it inside, but on the outside, I point fingers,
I wanna be
I wanna be,
속으로 좋아도 겉으론 삿대질
I like it inside, but on the outside, I point fingers,
누가 뭐래도 I love Sex
No matter what anyone says, I love Sex,
속으로 좋아도 겉으론 삿대질
I like it inside, but on the outside, I point fingers,
I wanna be extacy for ladies
I wanna be ecstasy for ladies,
속으로 좋아도 겉으론 삿대질
I like it inside, but on the outside, I point fingers,
누가 뭐래도 I love Sex
No matter what anyone says, I love Sex,
속으로 좋아도 겉으론 삿대질
I like it inside, but on the outside, I point fingers,
I wanna be extacy for ladies
I wanna be ecstasy for ladies,
속으로 좋아도 겉으론 삿대질
I like it inside, but on the outside, I point fingers,
누가 뭐래도 I love Sex
No matter what anyone says, I love Sex,
속으로 좋아도 겉으론 삿대질
I like it inside, but on the outside, I point fingers,
I wanna be extacy for ladies
I wanna be ecstasy for ladies,

싸이 feat. 조PD - Psy From the Psycho World!
Psy From the Psycho World!
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