Ja Mezz - Pilot - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Ja Mezz - Pilot

어렸을 적부터 강요받아 꿈이라는
I've been forced to dream about it since I was a kid
강원도 산골 마을에서 자란 어린아이들도
Even kids who grew up in the mountains of Gangwon-do
넘어 다른 세계에 대한 궁금증이 많은걸
Were curious about the world beyond the mountains
역시 그들 하나였고
I was one of them too
꿈은 나는 거였어
My dream was to fly
다른 애들이 대통령과 선생님을 말할
When other kids talked about presidents and teachers
위로 지나가는 군용 헬기를 탐내
I coveted the military helicopters flying overhead
상상했지 매일같이 flying over'em mountains
I imagined myself flying over those mountains every day
기분 알지
You know that feeling
비행기를 처음 타서 이륙할
When you first fly on a plane and it takes off
그때 기분은 죽였지 내가 15살 되던
It was killer when I was 15
인천에서 중국 사천으로 가는 비행기에
On a flight from Incheon to Sichuan, China
난생처음 보는 business class
My first time flying business class
Hell yeah I wanna be a fucking business man
Hell yeah I wanna be a fucking businessman
생각한 어린애 순수한 사고
The innocent thoughts of a child
의자는 넓고 커서 발이 땅에 닿았어
The seat was so big and wide my feet didn't touch the floor
기분이 죽였지 my two feet in the air
It was killer my two feet in the air
전에 이미 몸은 30,000 feet in the air
My body was already 30,000 feet in the air
초등학교 장래희망을 그리지 못했네
I never drew my future aspirations in elementary school
진짜 내가 원하는 진짜 내가 되고 싶어 했던
What I really wanted, what I really wanted to be
하늘 높이 멋들어지게 나는 pilot
A pilot, flying high in the sky
과학자 축구선수 아님 선생님 말을 듣거나
Not a scientist, a soccer player, or a teacher, listening to my parents
연습했지 시간씩 피아노
I practiced the piano for an hour every day
그건 내가 꿈꾸던 것관 매우 다른
It was very different from what I dreamed of
이제는 이상의 날갤 달고 날어
Now I'm flying with wings of ideals
그래 중고등교육과정은 중국 국제학교에서
Yeah, my middle and high school education was at an international school in China
때문에 3개 국어를 동시에 사용했어
So I spoke three languages simultaneously
너네와 조금 다른 방식으로 사고했어
I thought a little differently than you
케르베로스처럼 머리 개를 달고 있어
Like Cerberus, I have three heads
So never ever trynna put me in a box
So never ever try to put me in a box
Fedex가 아니라도 거니까 world wide
Even if it's not Fedex, I'll go worldwide
준비 있어 I'm trilingual
I'm ready, I'm trilingual
I'm trynna speak one more language money talk right?
I'm trying to speak one more language, money talks, right?
好不好 말해봐 느낌이 좋아 좋아
Tell me, good or bad, how do I make you feel?
신선한 고급 치즈 맛을 아는
The bourgeois who know the taste of fresh premium cheese
부르주아들은 알지 달라붙는 느낌은
They know this feeling of clinging
아무나 소화하지 못해 나처럼 하지 못해
Not everyone can digest it, not everyone can do it like me
I got that true style
I got that true style
말이 씨가 된단 is this that?
Words have power, is this it?
지금 대학교에서 듣고 있어 business class
Now I'm taking business class in college
부르주아들의 돈을 뺏어
Taking the money from those bourgeois
Private jet 마련해서 날아갈 말할게
I'll tell you when I fly away in my private jet
Get ready for takeoff
사춘기 시절에 장래희망은
My aspirations during puberty
수십 바뀌었네
Changed dozens of times
진짜 내가 원하는 진짜 찾지 못했기에
Because I couldn't find what I really wanted
그저 대학 진학을 위해 sky를 바라봤지 like a pilot
I just looked up at the sky like a pilot for college
커다란 땅덩어리에서
In that vast expanse of land
너무 많은 것을 보고 느꼈고
I saw and felt so much
훨씬 좋은 집에 사는 사장 아저씰 보고
I saw a CEO who lived in a much better house
전공해 경영학을
I majored in business administration
이제는 진짜 하늘 위를 날어
Now I'm really flying in the sky
중독됐어 담배 같은
I'm addicted to this dream like a cigarette
이상과 현실 사이에 끼어서 발버둥
Caught between ideals and reality, I'm struggling
허공에 있지 mofucka I'm jordan
Floating in the air, mofucka, I'm Jordan
여기가 월스트릿이라면 나는 wolf
If this is Wall Street, I'm a wolf
매일 뜨는 보름달을 보며 자아가 바뀌고
Every night, I look at the full moon and my self changes
그런 자신을 소름 돋아
I get goosebumps when I see myself
I'm on cloud nine 젊음을 바꿔 노는 것과
I'm on cloud nine, trading my youth for fun and
훗날 진짜 구름 위에서 거란 너는 몰라
You don't know I'll be playing on the real clouds someday
Baby you like the taste of my dick
Baby, you like the taste of my dick
But what you know bout my dream
But what you know bout my dream
그건 마치 선반 위에 놓인 cake cake piece of cake
It's like a cake on a shelf, cake, a piece of cake
아주 쉽게 보여도 손을 뻗으면 저만치에 있어
It looks so easy, but it's far away when you reach for it
I gotta put that vans on my feet
I gotta put that Vans on my feet
Cuz you know I gotta go and get it get it
Cuz you know I gotta go and get it, get it
계집애 같은 새끼들은 몰라 담배 같은
Girly boys don't know about dreams like cigarettes
중독됐어 열정에 불을 붙여 타는
I'm addicted to my passion, I'm setting it on fire
열기구에 불을 붙여 나는
I'm setting my hot air balloon on fire, I'm flying
Imma take off right now
Imma take off right now
스물다섯 살에 장래희망은
At 25, my aspirations
변하지 않았네
Haven't changed
그때 내가 원하던 진짜 내가 되고 싶어 했던
What I really wanted then, what I really wanted to be
하늘 높이 멋들어지게 나는 pilot
A pilot, flying high in the sky
이제 알았어
I know now
내가 하고 싶은 말을 하고 말을
When I say what I want to say and what I have to say
날어 like a bird
I fly like a bird
이건 내가 생각한 것과는
It may be a very different path than what I thought
매우 다른 길일지도 허나 지금 날어
But I'm flying now

Авторы: Seong Hee Kim, Young Sik Bang

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